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Yorkville Enquirer choose

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[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 14 Feb. 4/3: ‘He’d larnt all the last agonies in the way of bowin’ and scrapin’’.
at agony, n.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 3 July 2/3: Hide the dimijohn under the floor or we shall be bodyaciously ruined.
at bodaciously, adv.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 14 Feb. 4/3: ‘I heard you were bbucking up to the widow’.
at buck up to, v.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 3 July 2/3: [play title] Keep Cool or Fortitude Under Suffering.
at cool, adj.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 3 July 2/3: Dod forever blast your drowsy head.
at dod, n.1
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 14 Feb. 4/3: ‘He’d been stayin’ at the Saint Charleses, an’ puttin’ it through like forty’.
at like forty, adv.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 3 July 2/3: He shouted, ‘It’s the real grit;’ and a long drawn swill at once demonstrated his faith in its potency.
at real grit (n.) under grit, n.1
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 14 Feb. 4/3: ‘You ought ’t get a Spring Hat — a Shappoh Mechanic, as the French say’.
at shappo, n.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 22 Apr. 4/2: We do not wish to pollute our columns with such trash [...] snaggle-tooth — box-ankled — goggle-eyed — nigger-lipped — soft-headed — long-eared [etc].
at box-ankled (adj.) under box, n.1
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 22 Apr. 4/2: We do not wish to pollute our columns with such trash [...] snaggle-tooth — box-ankled — goggle-eyed — nigger-lipped — soft-headed — long-eared [etc].
at long-eared, adj.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 22 Apr. 4/2: We do not wish to pollute our columns with such trash [...] snaggle-tooth — box-ankled — goggle-eyed — nigger-lipped — soft-headed — long-eared [etc].
at goggle-eyed, adj.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 22 Apr. 4/2: [H]e will abandon his purpose of reformation [and] go back to his accursed ‘pots’.
at pot, n.1
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 22 Apr. 4/2: We do not wish to pollute our columns with such trash [...] snaggle-tooth — box-ankled — goggle-eyed — nigger-lipped — soft-headed — long-eared [etc].
at snaggle-tooth, n.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 22 Apr. 4/2: We do not wish to pollute our columns with such trash [...] snaggle-tooth — box-ankled — goggle-eyed — nigger-lipped — soft-headed — long-eared [etc].
at soft-headed (adj.) under soft, adj.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 22 Apr. 4/2: We have tgraveled over the fields in Spring [...] knocking about the what-you-call-’ems.
at whatd’youcallhim, n.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/1: ‘I say, you durned ash-cats, jis keep yer shuts on, will ye?’.
at ash-cat, n.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/1: ‘I say, you durned ash-cats, jis keep yer shuts on, will ye?’.
at darned, adj.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/1: ‘He’s so dod-ratted mean, an’ lazy’.
at dod, n.1
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/2: ‘Gewhillitins! how he run’.
at gee whillikins!, excl.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/2: ‘Oh, geminy, what a durned ole fool’.
at gemini!, excl.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/1: ‘I thot you wanted to lay the hoss out.’ ‘The hell yu did’.
at hell, the, phr.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/2: ‘Kerslunge intu the crick he went’.
at kerslung! (excl.) under ker-, pfx
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/1: ‘Skin ’im?’ interrupted a rat-faced youth.
at rat-faced (adj.) under rat, n.1
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/1: ‘Yas, old “Still-tub” ’ [...] and ‘Still-tub’ went into the doggery.
at still, n.2
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 27 Nov. 1/2: ‘Hit were the titest race I ever seed’.
at tight, adj.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 16 Feb.4/1: ‘This yere is a counterfeit, Sam’ [...] ‘I know [...] If it had been a good one I should have had use of it.’ ‘’Pears as if you don’t sagaciate much, Jim!’.
at sagaciate, v.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 17 May 4/1: Look, yer dod gast, yer essenshully dog-goned, dod-busted, white-livered impudence — you skip.
at dod-busted (adj.) under dod, n.1
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 17 May 4/1: Look, yer dod gast, yer essenshully dog-goned, dod-busted, white-livered impudence — you skip.
at doggone, adj.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 17 Mar. 2/3: After these proceedings were published, they would be stolen bodaciously, line for line, word for word.
at bodaciously, adv.
[US] Yorkville Enquirer (SC) 4 July 4/4: The Bog Rat (for this was the name by which our young friend was known among his brother officers).
at bog rat (n.) under bog, n.3
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