1842 Dublin Wkly Nation 22 Oct. 9/4: [T]his strange soul has descended to batten on bloody banquet, and drink bumpering treasons with the awful shades of Reynolds.at bumpering (adj.) under bumper, n.2
1842 Dublin Wkly Nation 22 Oct. 9/4: [T]his strange soul has descended to batten on bloody banquet, and drink bumpering treasons with the awful shades of Reynolds.at bumper, v.1
1845 Dublin Wkly Nation 13 Sept. 11/4: I swear, so strike me paralytic / If I have mock’d Horatian laws / [...] / But punch — cold punch — has bee the cause.at strike me paralytic! (excl.) under strike me...!, excl.
1847 Dublin Wkly Nation 20 Feb. 8/3: The surging masses that once bounded under our yoke have subsided in scummy froth.at scummy, adj.
1851 Dublin Wkly Nation 18 Jan. 11/2: This is a farce, says Beau Tibbs [...] why isn’t it a tragedy, or an epic poem, stap my vitals!at stap my vitals!, excl.
1851 Dublin Wkly Nation 3 May 10/3: A Rough Rhyme on a Rough Matter. Is there anybody [...] to write a ballad like this about an Irish eviction? [...] There is a sullen brooding passin in this Rough Rhyme.at rough, adj.
1852 Dublin Wkly Nation 25 Sept. 10/1: Acne rosacca, the malady coarsely translated as ‘brandy blossom’.at brandy blossom (n.) under blossom, n.2
1867 Dublin Wkly Nation 23 Feb. 11/3: We are informed that he ‘shut up a gomus’s mouth like a Brummagem button’.at gomus, n.
1868 Dublin Wkly Nation 16 May 9/1: Did the vigilant policeman who detected the drunken disloyalty of Eliza Tyrrell believe that his comrades in blue and pewter buttons would be excited to rebellion by her asseverations?at blue and pewter (n.) under blue, adj.1
1870 Dublin Wkly Nation 29 Oct. 1/2: The side-splitting anecdotes of Dean Swift and his Witty man.at side-splitting, adj.
1883 Dublin Wkly Nation 22 Dec. 8/2: It is not out of affection for Ireland that the old sorehead has consented to a broadening of the Irish franchise.at sorehead, n.
1884 Dublin Wkly Nation 29 Nov. 16/2: [advert] They call Special Attention to the following Departments:— Woollens, Tailoring, Ready-Mades.at ready-made (n.) under ready, adj.
1899 Dublin Wkly Nation 17 June 11/6: He is intentionally a buffoon, jester [...] or pickle-herring.at pickle-herring, n.
1899 Dublin Wkly Nation 17 June 11/6: He is never content with the skimpy allowance of one word [...] He is never penny-fathher or muck-worm with his words.at muck-worm, n.