Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Rage Against the Dying choose

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[US] B. Masterman Rage Against the Dying (2014) 18: Does this seem precious? I don’t give a rat’s ass.
at give a rat’s ass (v.) under rat’s ass, n.
[US] B. Masterman Rage Against the Dying (2014) 71: Wally and Cliff both stopped grinding their burgers.
at grind, v.
[US] B. Masterman Rage Against the Dying (2014) 40: A lot lizard, a prostitute that hangs out at truck stops.
at lot lizard (n.) under -lizard, sfx
[US] B. Masterman Rage Against the Dying (2014) 36: I wish I’d peed once more before leaving the house.
at pee, v.
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