1858 Armagh Guardian 8 Oct. 7/1: [of a marble] Yes, that is the best: it is the king [...] it is the very best of the bunch.at bunch, n.1
1858 Armagh Guardian 5 Feb. 5/5: ‘D’ye know what it is to hipothcate? Not you, ye gomeril’.at gomeral, n.
1867 Armagh Guardian 21 June 8/1: It cannot be absolutely necessary, in order to attain a good and respctable old age, to be riggish or jiggish.at riggish (adj.) under rig, n.1
1869 Armagh Guardian 26 Nov. 7/1: We want none of your darned old Country airs here, do we behoys? at b’hoy, n.
1869 Armagh Guardian 26 Nov. 7/1: Such a tremendous row going on, and all this mad spouting. You really must, as your American phrase is, ‘dry up’.at dry up, v.
1869 Armagh Guardian 26 Nov. 7/1: I’d as soon be in a chain-gang at Sing-Sing as in this hole.at hole, n.1
1869 Armagh Guardian 26 Nov. 7/1: I reckon [...] that M’Clennan will knock the ribs into a cocked hat .at knock into a cocked hat (v.) under knock into, v.
1869 Armagh Guardian 26 Nov. 7/1: Such a tremendous row going on, and all this mad spouting.at spouting, n.