Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 18 Nov. 8/1: Mr Waddlekin: They wouldn't take a bribe if it were bequeathed to them by an unknown testator. Mr. Snagglewit: Oh, come off, Waddlekin!
at come off, v.1
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 16 Sept. 3/5: The gaol in Adelaide (S.A.) was considered [...] by far the best, ‘plenty of good tucker and a quarter of a fig (plug) of baccy a day’.
at fig, n.4
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 24 Mar. 2/3: When gurls sez to the Kosher-man, / Why do you run us in? / Instead of bollicking the bloak / Ar takes the Coin of Sin?
at ballock, v.2
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 24 Mar. 2/3: When blackguard faggots strut around / And flash there Wage of Sin.
at faggot, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 24 Mar. 2/3: When things like this are open done, / Oh Lord how will we glim / When our great Washing Day is called.
at glim, v.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 12 May 7/3: In the house there were a slavey / Plump and fresh, not second-hand. / Like her missus, who’s a scorcher — out at grass, you understand.
at out at grass (adj.) under grass, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 21 Apr. 1/4: A tough ‘proposition’ — Hash-house lamb.
at hash-house, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 12 May 7/3: Now the slavey's taken akshun / For the things the missus sed, / Right in front of him in Karkee, / The day as she was off her hed.
at off one’s head, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 12 May 7/3: Lady Muck, who he was rumin, / Goes invokin of the law.
at Lady Muck, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 12 May 7/3: In the house there were a slavey / Plump and fresh, not second-hand. / Like her missus, who’s a scorcher.
at scorcher, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 12 May 7/3: Not a poor week backed young shaver, / But a cove of manly grade.
at shaver, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 17 Mar. 2/6: Of course they Vag him rite away — / Thats awl as they can do; / And give him ’arf a stretch or so.
at vag, v.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 19 Oct. 3/3: biff, smash, smack went their open hands on one another’ss faces.
at biff!, excl.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 19 Oct. 3/3: One or two [...] were asked ‘What the blue blazes they meant by smoodging to a girl wot used to be — —’.
at blue blazes (n.) under blue, adj.5
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 13 Apr. 7/3: [A] burly policeman[...] with "a pile of ‘blue paper’ under his arm [...] looking. for a J.P; to sign his ‘little' bits of blue’.
at blue, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 23 Feb. 3/5: Pickin’ pockets — cadging rhino — / Buttonin’ fur a speelin’ crew.
at button, v.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 23 Feb. 3/5: This ’ere chinner / Are a miserabul sell.
at chinner, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 23 Feb. 3/5: Now the kid it straitway scooted, / Cleers away for very life; / [...] / Doin' of a Dinney Hayeser / For to save ’is bloomin’ hair.
at do a dinny (v.) under dinnyhazer, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 19 Oct. 3/2: One of [the girls] had been hooked and sent to the Repormatory.
at hook, v.1
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 13 Apr. 7/3: Before him one morning, for the usual offences, language and liquor, was an old ‘Johnny Warder.’ She was begging hard for another chance.
at johnny warder, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 19 Oct. 3/3: One of these old pals was loaded up to the tonsils with booze.
at loaded, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 19 Oct. 3/3: ‘[I]t’s [i..e a skirt] as good as it was when you “pinched” it!’.
at pinch, v.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 19 Oct. 3/3: [H]er greasy ‘poll’ topped by an enormous hat of which imitation ostrich ‘fevvers’ constitute the principal ornament.
at poll, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 23 Feb. 3/5: ‘If I don’t get sum / Money, I’ll get rats, you bet’.
at get rats (v.) under rat, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 14 Dec. 1/5: [A] ratty youth drove hurriedly up to Melbourne gaol and asked the warder who opened the gate to take him in and hang him. [...] The youth probably had a drop too much.
at ratty, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 23 Feb. 3/5: This ’ere chinner / Are a miserabul sell.
at sell, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 19 Oct. 3/2: [T] ensued such a tongue-banging, such a flood of filth and profanity as few men could have equalled.
at tongue-banging (n.) under tongue, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 23 Feb. 3/5: Three long years is fairish schoolin' / [...] / For 2 learn the game of ‘yannops,’ / Witch are slang fur theevin’ sport.
at yennep, n.
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 8 Nov . 3/3: blatant bible-bangers / pimply prayors / [...] [S]mall boys, who seem as yet scarcely able to cultivate rosey gin blossoms.
at gin blossom (n.) under blossom, n.2
[Aus] Truth (Brisbane) 3 May 2/4: The sturdy grafters [...] selfishly, allow, even practically aid, sweating bosses and bossesses of booze barns to work their servants all and any hours.
at booze barn (n.) under booze, n.
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