1923 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 8 Feb. ?/3–4: ‘The nuptial idea is a joke,’ she told Lawrence. But Lawrence can’t see it. ‘If that’s a joke I’m a monkey’s uncle.’.at I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! (excl.) under monkey’s uncle, n.
1924 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 16 Apr. n.p.: It became known today that city officials have appealed to the Cleveland narcotic squad to investigate conditions here on 28th Street and a number of other points where it is believed a Mexican grass called marijuana is being sold. This grass is made into cigarettes.at grass, n.4
1924 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 29 Aug. 13/7: If you don’t watch your step you’re going to have a nice long stay in that sanitarium up the river.at up the river under river, n.
1927 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 30 Sept. 3/1: The corral rope was on his saddle, next to the sougan.at sugan, n.
1930 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 26 May 9/3: Flipping or scathing retors [sic] in the modern flapper or sheik vernacular.at flapper, n.2
1930 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 26 May 9/3: Flipping or scathing retors [sic] in the modern flapper or sheik vernacular.at sheik, n.1
1931 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 5 May 16/1: In hash-houses along the water front on West street, there is a hilarious jargon understandable only to the initiated. When a waiter cries ‘Clean up the kitchen!’ the cook prepares a Hamburg steak.at clean up the kitchen (n.) under clean up, v.
1931 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 5 May 16/1: In hash-houses along the water front on West street, there is a hilarious jargon understandable only to the initiated. [...] A ‘McGraw’ is a lamb stew. Spinach is ‘grass’, milk toast is a ‘Graveyard Stew’ and ‘Burn up a Bull’ is a Porterhouse steak.at grass, n.2
1931 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 22 June 19/1: ‘Two Micks in kimonas’ – Irish potatoes with the skins on.at mick, n.1
1937 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 9/6: Drive-in sandwich stands are using star-bait to lure customers! [...] another car-hop said, ‘We have Eleanor Powell with us.’.at carhop, n.
1939 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 25 Aug. sect. 2 1/4: Two poached eggs on toast should not be called ‘Adam and Eve on a raft,’ nor should frankfurters and sauerkraut be referred to as ‘dogs in the grass.’.at dogs in the grass (n.) under dog, n.2
1939 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 25 Aug. sect. 2 1/4: Head waiters should never employ the old-fashioned trick of speeding up service by shouting: ‘Get a move on, you soup jockeys.’.at soup jockey (n.) under soup, n.
1951 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 8 Aug. 17/5: Underworld slang for a suicide attempt: ‘He tried for the deep six.’.at deep six, n.
1952 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 29 Nov. 6/7: While the guests are expending the last chord, you can warm up ‘Sloppy Joe’ sandwich makings whip cream to go on top of steaming cups of hot chocolate and serve the lunch in front of the fire.at sloppy Joe, n.
1952 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 20 Nov. 14/3: Hughes formerly reigned as the busiest romancer in tinsel town.at Tinsel Town, n.
1953 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 29 Sept. 5/5: ‘Livin’ on his jawbone’ is an expressive way of describing a blow-off.at blow off, n.1
1953 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 29 Sept. 5/5: ‘Hurricane deck’ is a bronco’s back.at hurricane deck, n.
1953 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 29 Sept. 5/5: ‘Livin’ on his jawbone’ is an expressive way of describing a blow-off.at jawbone, n.2
1953 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 29 Sept. 5/5: ‘Jughead’ is the word for a crazy horse.at jughead, n.1
1954 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 22/2: The latest ‘spectacular’ plans at NBC-TV include a program titled ‘The Wide, Wide World’, a 90-minute spread that will pick up scenes from all over the country, including [...] bar hopping in New Orleans’ famous French Quarter and various other pursuits in various other interesting spots.at bar-hop, v.
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 5 Nov. 21/6: One who ‘rabbits too much’ is a very voluble person indeed.at rabbit (and pork), v.
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 5 Nov. 21/6: ‘Belt up’ has nothing to do with aviation but is a polite and stern admonition to be quiet.at belt up (v.) under belt, n.
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 13 Dec. 4/3: They hung a mid-termer on me. I could have done it on my head, except I was boiling over the score.at boiling, adj.
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 13 Dec. 4/3: I could not help overhearing three bravos in an adjacent bar.at bravo, n.
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 13 Dec. 4/3: ‘I had a hard case of the Connecticuts,’ said the man in the middle.at case, n.1
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 5 Nov. 21/5: Prosecution witnesses started using terms like [...] ‘a half’ (50 pounds – $140).at half, n.
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 5 Nov. 21/6: Some Damon Runyonisms remain fixtures [...] ‘jockey’ for cabdriver.at jockey, n.2
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 13 Dec. 4/5: I got to spread moo like butter at Miami.at moo, n.2
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 13 Dec. 4/4: I do not drive my car from New York to Connecticut unless you have five nice pieces in your bag for me.at piece, n.
1958 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 5 Nov. 21/5: Prosecution witnesses started using terms like [...] ‘boot polish’ (blackmail).at boot polish (n.) under polish, n.