1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 11 Oct. 59/2: A number of male pickpockets, with female associates as ‘tilers’ [...] have flocked to the Fair at Niblo’s.at adam tiler, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 15 Nov. 100/1: Billy Cox, the panel thief, who escaped from this city [...] for a robbery which he committed on the badger lay at the den of Mary Hodges.at badger game (n.) under badger, n.1
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 16 Oct. 55/1: [I]nstead of being arraigned by a judge, disgorges to a ‘beak’.at beak, n.1
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 11 Oct. 58/4: We’ll send this to Redmond’s ‘black-box’ (lawyer) and write on it some questions to be put to Ware that will turn him up.at black box (n.) under black, adj.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 11 Oct. 57/4: ‘You’d “peach” and turn “black spy”’.at black spy (n.) under black, adj.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 6 Dec. 125/5: This [i.e. fake $5 bills] is among the first issue of a new budget or ‘boodle’ and the public will do well to be upon their guard against such bills.at boodle, n.1
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 13 Dec. 133/3: On going down Broadway [...] he was accosted by a watch stuffer who, with the assistance of his pal or capper, endeavoured to stuff him with a mock watch.at capper, n.1
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 11 Oct. 59/2: Jack Roach, the celebrated pickpocket, [...] arrived here on Monday with two other ‘cly fakers’ and ‘tilers’.at cly-faker (n.) under cly, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 1 Nov. 91/3: [A] splendid long cloth cloak, which he had assumed [...] for the purpose of facilitating his ‘clyfaking’ operations.at cly-faker (n.) under cly, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 11 Oct. 57/4: ‘I could bear to see a “cracksman,” though he were a bosom friend, “pinched” for life’.at cracksman, n.1
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 6 Dec. 126/3: Cornelius Strain, the keeper of one of those ‘dens’ called junk shops.at den, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 8 Nov. 92/2: Four ‘gentlemen’ have lately arrived here from Philadelphia, wel stocked with ‘the dimes,’ as they call it.at dimes, the, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 8 Nov. 91/4: War among the ‘Dodseys’.— Quite an eruption has broken out among the domestic partners of George Potter, Bob Pinkerton [etc].at dodsey, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 16 Oct. 52/4: [B]eing detected in the very act of frisking a dummy, or stealing a pocket-book.at frisk a dummy (v.) under dummy, n.2
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 1 Nov. 83/3: It is his [i.e. a London thief] first visit to this country, and he is entirely unknown to any of the the new ‘family’ men here.at family man (n.) under family, n.1
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 1 Nov. 83/3: The man figured in London [...] as one of the leaders of the swell mob, and was considered as the best ‘screwsman’ and ‘fitter’ in the metropolis, but was finally ‘served’ with a term in Botany Bay.at fitter, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 16 Oct. 52/4: [B]eing detected in the very act of frisking a dummy, or stealing a pocket-book.at frisk, v.2
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 16 Oct. 54/2: More recent efforts of genius in the science of policies [i.e. numbers, the n.(1)] have invented ‘horses,’ ‘gigs,’ ‘whips’ and ‘saddles’ [...] those being fancy combinations.at gig, n.7
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 1 Nov. 83/3: It is our duty to announce the presence in this country of a most distinguished ‘gonnauf’ [...] The man figured in London [...] as one of the leaders of the swell mob, and was considered as the best ‘screwsman’ and ‘fitter’ in the mteropolis, but was finally ‘served’ with a term in Botany Bay.at gonnof, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. 6 Dec. 125/1: Gum Elastic Police.— We understand that this title has been substituted for that of ‘Star Police’ [...] Whether it arises from the fact of their having adopted India rubber coats and shoes as their winter uniform [etc].at gumshoe, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 11 Oct. 58/1: ‘The hawks will puzzle themselves not a little’.at hawk, n.1
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 16 Oct. 54/2: More recent efforts of genius in the science of policies [i.e. numbers, the n.(1)] have invented ‘horses,’ ‘gigs,’ ‘whips’ and ‘saddles’ [...] those being fancy combinations.at horse, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 8 Nov. 92/2: [His] late residence was our ‘Hotel’ at Sing Sing [...] for the term of 2 years.at hotel, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 22 Nov. 105/2: They had already, previous to his release, planned two or three good ‘jobs’.at job, n.2
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 6 Dec. 121/2: Jim Webb and Bill Thompson, two brilliant ‘knucksmen’.at knuckler, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 11 Oct. 57/1: To use Ware’s own expression, ‘they raked hell out of the race for the lush’.at lush, n.2
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 1 Nov. 83/3: The man figured in London [...] as one of the leaders of the swell mob, and was considered as the best ‘screwsman’ and ‘fitter’ in the mteropolis, but was finally ‘served’ with a term in Botany Bay.at swell mob, n.
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 25 Oct. 75/2: Alburtis, the notorious nipper thief is now in the city. There is a bench warrant out for him for [...] robbery of a store.at nipper, n.1
1845 Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 8 Nov. 91/3: Arrest of Policy Players [...] A the time of the arrest [...] the negro was in his shop purchasing a number.at numbers, the, n.