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Argyle Liberal and District Recorder choose

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[Aus] Argyle Liberal (NSW) 7 Nov. 2/3: In the centre were a few eggs, and the damper and co. was very much in evidence, but beyond this there was nothing else to eat.
at and co under co, n.3
[Aus] Argyle Liberal (NSW) 7 Nov. 2/3: ‘What, yer conderned, lazy Gommorah, do yer want?’.
at conderned, adj.
[Aus] Argyle Liberal (NSW) 7 Nov. 2/3: ‘What I mean is can’t we get up a fight between two of the other fellows; it will help to kill time. There is the Dervener and Ready Made Mat, for instance, they have had a few growls already. The Dervener can’t get over Ready insinuating last night that he was a fowl thief’.
at Dervener, n.
[Aus] Argyle Liberal (NSW) 7 Nov. 22/3: ‘What, yer conderned, lazy Gommorah, do yer want?’ .
at Gommorah, n.
[Aus] Argyle Liberal (NSW) 7 Nov. 7/3: ‘The Dervener and Ready Made Mat, for instance, they have had a few growls already. The Dervener can’t get over Ready insinuating last night that he was a fowl thief.’ .
at growl, n.4
[Aus] Argyle Liberal (NSW) 7 Nov. 2/4: I approached him while Bob went in the direction of Ready, who was engaged ’eaden ’em with one of the young R—’s.
at head, v.1
[Aus] Argyle Liberal (NSW) 7 Nov. 2/4: The Dervener’s reply was what the initiated call a sally-winder, that seemed capable of shifting the other off the face of the earth had it reached him.
at sally-winder, n.
[Aus] Argyle Liberal (NSW) 7 Nov. 2/4: ‘Did you say that I was a sanguinary crawler,’ asked Ready, when he got near.
at sanguinary, adj.
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