1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 29 May 5/1: [A] dame to you is a sort to us; a blue-stocking is a wowser, a wow [...] is a bonzer, bosker, boshter, bonzerina, bonzo, bontosherino or bonze.at bontosherina/bontosherino under bontosher, n.
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 7/1: You call a bowler hat a darby or hardboiled hat: we line it up as a boxer, bocker, hardhitter, eggboiler, plug hat, peadodger, bun or hap harry.at boxer, n.1
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 7/1: You call a bowler hat a darby or hardboiled hat: we line it up as a boxer, bocker, hardhitter, eggboiler, plug hat, peadodger, bun or hap harry.at bun, n.3
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 june 7/1: We have many names for the ‘shout’. There's the dinkum shout in which each person stands treat in turn and then there's the Dutch shout the Chinese or Chinaman’s shout, and the American or Yankee Shout.at Chinaman’s shout (n.) under Chinaman, n.
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 7/1: You call a bowler hat a darby or hardboiled hat: we line it up as a boxer, bocker, hardhitter, eggboiler, plug hat, peadodger, bun or hap harry.at egg-boiler (n.) under egg, n.1
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 7/1: You call a bowler hat a darby or hardboiled hat: we line it up as a boxer, bocker, hardhitter, eggboiler, plug hat, peadodger, bun or hap harry.at hap harry, n.
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 7/1: You call a bowler hat a darby or hardboiled hat: we line it up as a boxer, bocker, hardhitter, eggboiler, plug hat, peadodger, bun or hap harry.at hard-hitter, n.
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 7/1: You call a bowler hat a darby or hardboiled hat: we line it up as a boxer, bocker, hardhitter, eggboiler, plug hat, peadodger, bun or hap harry.at plug-hat, n.
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 7/1: You call a bowler hat a darby or hardboiled hat: we line it up as a boxer, bocker, hardhitter, eggboiler, plug hat, peadodger, bun or hap harry.at pea-dodger (n.) under pea, n.1
1942 S.J. Baker in Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 12 June 5/1: A ‘boxer’ is a forced contribution by players made to the ringie after each throw .at ringie, n.
1942 S.J. Baker in Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 5/1: A girl or young woman to us is a sheila [...] shingler, sninny, turtle, pross or tarry rope.at tarry rope, n.
1942 S.J. Baker in Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 5/1: A girl or young woman to us is a sheila [...] shingler, sninny, turtle, pross or tarry rope.at shingler, n.
1942 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 7/1: For notable persons or things you use many terms like [...] whopcacker, snodger, snozzler, swinjer [etc].at swinjer, n.
1942 S.J. Baker in Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 5 June 5/1: A girl or young woman to us is a sheila [...] shingler, sninny, turtle, pross or tarry rope.at turtle, n.
1943 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 3 Dec. 5/1: ‘Ce n’est par pour ton oiseau’ strongly reminds us of ‘Mind your own pigeon’ and the famous ‘Flypaper for stickybeaks’.at mind one’s own pigeon (v.) under mind, v.
1943 Le Courrier Australien (Sydney) 3 Dec. 5/1: ‘Ce n'est pas pour ton oiseau’ strongly reminds us of ‘Mind your own pigeon’ .at mind one’s own pigeon (v.) under pigeon, n.2