Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 2: ABOUT RIGHT: The whole bloody truth. Just about as absobloodylutely right as possible.
at about right, adj.1
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 2: ACE IT UP: Knock it off. Stop it. Quit.
at ace it up (v.) under ace, v.
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 3: ADRIFT: Anything that is misplaced. A.W.O.L. in the services.
at adrift, adj.
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 4: AGGRO: Short for aggravated or aggressive.
at aggro, adj.
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 6: ALLEY UP: Cough up. To settle all debts.
at alley up (v.) under alley, n.3
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 9: ANKLE: Exceedingly derogatory remark since an ankle is about three feet below a cunt or asshole.
at ankle, n.
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 11: APC: Not a headache remedy but a quick bath of the arm pits and crotch.
at APC, n.
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 19: BAG OF BONES: A horse you bet that placed last.
at bag of bones, n.1
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 20: BARBED WIRE: XXXX. Castlemaine’s Four X Beer. Peculiar Queensland beverage.
at barbed wire, n.2
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 22: BARNACLE: Term for a dollar when gambling.
at barnacle, n.2
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 25: BEEFED: Exhausted. Tired. Knocked up. But never, never Pooped. This means that you have been shat .
at beefed (n.) under beef, v.2
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 30: BITE MERCHANT: A persistant borrower.
at bite merchant (n.) under bite, n.1
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 33: BLIMPY: Chubby. Obese .
at blimpy (adj.) under blimp, n.1
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 35: BLOWIE, A bit: A windy day. Can also be used as a comment on odoriferous flatulence.
at blowie, n.1
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 38: BOG WAGON: Not a septic tank pump truck but a panel van conversion fixed up with all the accouterments [sic] for scoring sexually.
at bog wagon (n.) under bog, n.2
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 39: BONE ON: Some things are international and are to be found in all shapes and sizes. An erection is no exception .
at bone, n.1
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 46: BULLDUSTER: One who puts out a lot of the latter definition above [i.e. bulldust].
at bullduster (n.) under bulldust, n.
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 47: BUM NUTS: Cackle berries. Chicken eggs.
at bum nuts (n.) under bum, n.1
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 2: As we were leaving the Aussie turned, doffed his hat, and with a grandiose bow sang out, ‘Sayo f—ing nara.’.
at fucking, adj.
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 190: ONKUS: All wrong. Murphy’s law standards. Out of order. On the blink. Kaput.
at onkus, adj.
[Aus] J.T. Pickle Aus.-Amer. Dict. 30: ‘The wheel came off the Billy Cart’ is the equivalent of our American quotation, ‘The shit hit the fan.’ .
at wheel came off the billy cart under wheel, n.
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