Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Daily Evening Star choose

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[US] Eve. Star Feb. 6 2/4: He was, of course, bamboozled of his blunt.
at bamboozled (adj.) under bamboozle, v.
[US] Eve. Star 25 July 2/3: The Bowery boys will be struck up in a heap at the brilliant demonstrations made for their edification and admiration.
at b’hoy, n.
[US] Eve. Star 11 Aug. 2/3: The person accosted [...] being conducted to an alley by two negro burners [who commenced] the jugglery always practiced on these occasions.
at burner, n.1
[US] Eve. Star 8 Feb. 2/3: On Saturday night the officers broke up a lot of Paw-Paw gambler of the thimble-rig breed.
at paw-paw, adj.
[US] Dly Eve. Star (DC) 14 Jan. 1/3: How I cut up monkey shines / Every time his back was turned / How I sometimes used to catch it, / When I’d not my lesson learned.
at catch it (v.) under catch, v.1
[US] Dly Eve. Star (DC) 14 Jan. 1/3: How I cut up monkey shines / Every time his back was turned / How I sometimes used to catch it, / When I’d not my lesson learned.
at monkey shine, n.
[US] Eve. Star Sun, Mag. (Wash., DC) 11 Apr. 19/1: Lillian Russell [...] received an offer from an unknown butter-and-eggs man, who urged her to abandon the stafe [and] become his wife.
at butter-and-egg man, n.
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