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[Aus] Queanbeyan Age 9 Mar. 4/4: All kinds of rough and riotous jollity on Sundays. ‘Cuddy’ or donkey races were held in the open.
at cuddy, n.1
[Aus] Queanbeyan Age (NSW) 13 Jan. 2/6: Shearing operations have just terminated at Molonglo — the ‘cobbler’ of the season having been divested of his fleece at Carwoola on Thursday, the 30th ultimo.
at cobbler, n.1
[Aus] Queanbeyan Age 25 Feb. 2/4: Colonial wine is not likely to take the sight from us. I wish we had some of the hard stuff.
at hard stuff, n.
[Aus] Queanbeyan Age (NSW) 22 Aug. 2/4: A successful wallaby drive [...] took place about a fortnight back; the marsupials ‘got slops’.
at get slops (v.) under slop, n.1
[Aus] Queanbeyan Age (NSW) 19 Oct. 2/5: The story about his being before the police court for ‘sweating’ a horse is quite true but, being a simpleton, he got into the trouble through another lad telling him the horse was his, and he might have a ride.
at sweat, v.1
[Aus] Queanbeyan Age (NSW) 22 Jun. 2/4: There are thousands of the unemployed now working [...] for rations which are valued at about 1s 10d per man, and this has given rise to a nickname for the Ministry, who are called ‘The Tommy Shop Government,’ owing to their revival of the old English system of paying men in small rations.
at tommy shop (n.) under tommy, n.2
[Aus] Queanbeyan Age (NSW) 6 May 2/5: Both our local ‘stoush’ merchants [...] met defeat at Cootamundra on Friday.
at stoush-merchant (n.) under stoush, n.
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