1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint title: A full discovery of the whole Trade of [...] Bawds, Whores, Fyles, Culls, Mobs, Budges, Shop-lifts, Glasiers, Mills, Bulkers, [...] and all other Artists, who are, and have been, Students of Whittington Colledge.at budge, n.1
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint title: A full discovery of the whole Trade of [...] Bawds, Whores, Fyles, Culls, Mobs, Budges, Shop-lifts, Glasiers, Mills, Bulkers, [...] and all other Artists, who are, and have been, Students of Whittington Colledge.at bulk, n.1
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint 3: Ruth. [I] went to a Linnen-Drapers and cheapned several sorts of Linnen [...] sometimes the shop-lift helps me, when the Buttock and Fyle fails me. Bawd. [...] I know you’r as good at the Fyle as Isbel, I and the Buttock too.at buttock and file (n.) under buttock, n.
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint title: A full discovery of the whole Trade of Pads, Pimps, Cheats, Shop-lifts [...] and all other Artists, who are, and have been, students of Whittington Colledge.at Whittington(’s) college, n.
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint title: A full discovery of the whole Trade of [...] Bawds, Whores, Fyles, Culls, Mobs, Budges, Shop-lifts, Glasiers, Mills, Bulkers, [...] and all other Artists, who are, and have been, Students of Whittington Colledge.at cull, n.1
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint title: A full discovery of the whole Trade of [...] Bawds, Whores, Fyles, Culls, Mobs, Budges, Shop-lifts, Glasiers, Mills, Bulkers, [...] and all other Artists, who are, and have been, Students of Whittington Colledge.at file, n.1
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint title: A full discovery of the whole Trade of [...] Bawds, Whores, Fyles, Culls, Mobs, Budges, Shop-lifts, Glasiers, Mills, Bulkers, [...] and all other Artists, who are, and have been, Students of Whittington Colledge.at mill, n.1
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint 3: I pikt off too nimbly for them, otherwise I would have been in the Naskin.at nask, n.
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint 3: I pikt off too nimbly for them, otherwise I would have been in the Naskin.at pike, v.1
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint 3: Wand. Who. No rogue in the world could have Pimpt better, give him a Slat for his industry. Pimp. This half-Crown will make me more dilgent.at slat, n.2
1663 Wandring-Whores Complaint 3: Wand. Who. I have played my part, so did Whiskin too.at whiskin, n.