2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 217: We put the arm on them, so they kill two birds with one rock.at put the arm on (v.) under arm, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 36: They can tell you’re totally baked. Your pulse race, you can’t catch your breath [etc].at baked, adj.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 131: ‘The dude knows no limits!’ ‘Non-stop balls to the walls!’.at balls to the wall(s) under balls, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 96: I was able to [...] tell the banged-up driver that I’d represent him and get some big bucks.at banged up, adj.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 22: Coke [...] Charlie, Chippy, Belushi, Foo-Foo, Merck, mojo, movie star [etc].at Belushi, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 60: It bird-dogs me straight to my pickin’ of guilt-free heists.at bird dog, v.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 59: Coleman torched the bone and exhaled a small cloud.at bone, n.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 158: ‘He won’t be able to resist showing off for the bubbleheads’.at bubblehead, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 22: Coke [...] Mayan mist, Bolivian blizzard, Inca telegram, California cornflakes [etc].at California cornflakes (n.) under California, adj.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 22: Coke [...] Charlie, Chippy, Belushi, Foo-Foo, Merck, mojo, movie star [etc].at charlie, n.7
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 255: You already got the whole cluster-fuck in the street figured out? All by yourself?at clusterfuck, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 128: That dick has wounded the dad’s image in their eyes.at dick, n.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 142: ‘He picked the blonde in the skimpiest suit [...] I’d do her’.at do, v.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 139: ‘Here’s a foolproof way not to get arrested while blowing doobies’.at doobie, n.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 99: You’re the second doctor connected to me that’s going down.at go down, v.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 22: Coke [...] lay lines, cut rails, hitch the reindeer, chase the dragon.at reindeer dust, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 189: There was an immediate string of rear-enders. Then more crashes.at rear-ender, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 8: Coke, blow, flake, fluff, snow, marching dust, weasel powder, white death [etc].at flake, n.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 8: Coke, blow, flake, fluff, snow, marching dust, weasel powder, white death [etc].at fluff, n.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 22: Coke [...] Charlie, Chippy, Belushi, Foo-Foo, Merck, mojo, movie star [etc].at foo-foo dust (n.) under foo-foo, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 224: Catfish [...] entered with hands raised again, and turned around for the frisk.at frisk, n.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 169: ‘My math says three glitches [...] We’re now due for the best vacation ever’.at glitch, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 142: ‘Lenny thought the request for an interview was a hoax, but played along anyway as a goof’.at goof, n.1
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 143: ‘He’s gunning the engine again. They’re about to take off’.at gun, v.3
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 8: Coke [...] white lady, wings, yeho, nose candy, donut glaze, gutter glitter [etc].at gutter glitter (n.) under gutter, n.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 182: I’d be gypping you out of a free self-improvement lesson.at gyp, v.
2013 T. Dorsey Riptide Ultra-Glide 68: ‘You’re really getting seriously fucked up, completely hammered, ripped to the nuts, shit-faced and puking’.at hammered, adj.