Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 17 Dec. [synd. cartoon] Cheer up Andy — we only live once. A fig for a care, a fig for a woe.
at fig, a, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 20 Dec. [synd. cartoon] Gee, it’s about 6 o’clock. How about putting the feed bag on.
at put on the feed bag (v.) under feed bag, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 27 Nov. [synd. cartoon] Many’s the time I wisht I had my dogs under the mahogany at home instead of dealin’ em off the arm here.
at dogs, n.1
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 26 Dec. [synd. cartoon] Oh yes, I do meet 4 flushers. Once in a while I meet a millionaire like you .
at four-flusher, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 5 Dec. [synd. cartoon] This nineteenth hole is too popular.
at nineteenth hole, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 27 Nov. [synd. cartoon] Many’s the time I wisht I had my dogs under the mahogany at home instead of dealin’ em off the arm here.
at mahogany, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 11 Dec. [synd. cartoon] There’s that fathead [...] trying to horn in on our Christmas dinner. He mooched two dinners from us already.
at mooch, v.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 30 Oct. [synd. cartoon] He says his girl is one in a 1000 — she ain’t like the rest. She’s a regular dame.
at regular guy (n.) under regular, adj.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 17 Nov. [synd. cartoon] I’ll bet it’s old McKenna explaining to his wiff why he wasn’t home last night.
at wiff, n.1
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 25 Mar. [synd. cartoon] Get a glass and give yourself the up and down. Some lid, Joe.
at up-and-down, the, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 6 May [synd. cartoon] If them greasers don’t do an Arthur Duffy I’m willing to be shot.
at take it on the Arthur Duffy, v.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 5 Mar. [synd. cartoon] He’s as busy as a one-armed club swinger with the poison ivy.
at busy as a one-armed paper-hanger (adj.) under busy as..., adj.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 23 Mar. [synd. cartoon] If that’s Schmalz’s son he’s a bad egg — I knew his old man too well.
at bad egg (n.) under bad, adj.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 3 Mar. [synd. cartoon] [UK speaker] Haw-haw bah jove he’s a fake. Give him the bird.
at give someone a/the (big) bird (v.) under bird, n.2
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 15 June [synd. cartoon] This boat of mine has gone 65,000 miles [...] It’s the best engine that was ever built.
at boat, n.1
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 21 May [synd. cartoon] Indoor Sports — Trying to Get Away with Last Year’s Straw Kelly [...] He just got that last year’s boiler from the cleaner.
at boiler, n.1
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 14 May [synd. cartoon] You oughta see the chick [...] I bombed into them one night.
at bomb, v.1
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 13 May [synd. cartoon] Sympathetic bull. He wishes both eyes got it [i.e. blackened].
at bull!, excl.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 27 Apr. [synd. cartoon] The poor boob hasn’t got a chinaman’s chance.
at Chinaman’s chance, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 2 Aug. [synd. cartoon] Waal, I swan!! So that’ s the millionaire she’s been telling us of, eh — Looks like a cheap john to me.
at cheap john, n.2
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 18 Feb. [synd. cartoon] [heading] Dolling up for Your After Dinner Chirp.
at chirp, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 7 Jan. [synd. cartoon] I lost 6 myself — I’m clean — Funny where it went.
at clean, adj.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 30 Sept. [synd. cartoon] Any old time a fellow begins to talk about what a pip of a dame his wiff is [...] she’s usually a crab.
at crab, n.2
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 3 Mar. [synd. cartoon] By crackey I’ll wager yer out with Morgan and them fellers.
at cracky!, excl.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 18 June [synd. cartoon] Phillips is moaning to George now [...] Can’t that guy cry, eh?
at cry, v.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 30 June [synd. cartoon] Didn’t know he was sick — That’s a darby!
at darby, adj.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 27 Oct. [synd. cartoon] (Watching the office tightwad buy a shine) He’s been workin on those old dogs for an hour now.
at dogs, n.1
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 13 Apr. [synd. cartoon] Huh —all the way from Newark to be stood up. Said he knew every press agent in town and this is the 5th throwdown.
at throw-down, n.
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 12 Mar. [synd. cartoon] And say, where does he get off with a wrist watch.
at get off, v.2
[US] T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 8 Oct. [synd. cartoon] Indoor Sports — Listening to the mothers of the newly married pair ham one another.
at ham, v.2
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