1855 J.H. Stocqueler ‘The crime of colour’ in Patriotic Fund Jrnl 17 Feb. 165/2: ‘Talk of Warren Hastings and the nabobs of the last century! Toodleton, the Bahadour, would have cut them all out – but it’s all u p with him.’.at bahaudur, n.
1855 J.H. Stocqueler ‘The crime of colour’ in Patriotic Fund Jrnl 17 Feb. 165/2: ‘Bappree bap!’ exclaimed the Scotch lady, adopting the tone and phrase of wonderment common to the Hindoos. ‘You don’t mean it.’.at bobbery-bob!, excl.
1855 ‘J.H. Stocqueler’ ‘The crime of colour’ in Patriotic Fund Jrnl 3 Feb. 130/2: ‘Burra mem (great lady) – she too treat my child like dog’.at burra mem (n.) under burra, adj.
1855 J.H. Stocqueler ‘The crime of colour’ in Patriotic Fund Jrnl 17 Feb. 165/1: ‘Well, have you heard the gup (gossip)?’.at gup, n.1
1855 J.H. Stocqueler ‘The crime of colour’ in Patriotic Fund Jrnl 17 Feb. 164/2: ‘If not too late, she shall juwaub the contemptible Toodleton.’ Somers did not quite comprehend the word juwaub. ‘Not know what juwaubing is? Ask Hardwicke there’.at juwab, v.
1855 J.H. Stocqueler ‘The crime of colour’ in Patriotic Fund Jrnl 24 Feb. 185/1: Presently a man – another – and a third, dashed pass the tomb. ‘Puckerow! Puckerow!’ (‘seize! seize!’) called out the voice of a horseman a few yards in their rear.at puckerow, v.