Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Oriental Sporting Magazine choose

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[UK] ‘The great black fight at Bosreegaum’ in Oriental Sporting Mag. June 1828 to June 1833 (1873) I 121/1: The Mussaulchee was escorted by the cadgers, costermongers, prime slavey swells, and nothing-to-do lootchas of every sect in Camp [...] all with noise, uproar, shouts, threats, oaths and abuse, all in dust and confusion toddled on all agog for the fray.
at loocha, n.
[UK] ‘The great black fight at Bosreegaum’ in Oriental Sporting Mag. June 1828 to June 1833 (1873) I 121/1: The Mussaulchee was escorted by the cadgers, costermongers, prime slavey swells, and nothing-to-do lootchas of every sect in Camp.
at slavey, n.
[UK] ‘The great black fight at Bosreegaum’ in Oriental Sporting Mag. June 1828 to June 1833 (1873) I 121/1: The Mussaulchee was escorted by the cadgers, costermongers, prime slavey swells, and nothing-to-do lootchas of every sect in Camp.
at swell, n.1
[UK] Oriental Sporting Mag. (1873) 15 July 395: [H]aving taken a pull at the brandy flask to ensure a correct tone to the system, we enlisted (a term we learnt during the Looshai expedition, Mr. Editor: – it means ‘puckaro’d’) one or two of the boldest of the bystanders.
at puckerow, v.
[UK] Oriental Sporting Mag. (1873) 15 July 329: ‘Have a cigar? It’s a Portage – not a Trichy.’‘Don’t you refuse Trichys. If you get one with a good straw in it – one that will draw, it is as good a cheroot as there is out,’ said the passenger Monty called Bob.
at Trichy, n.
[UK] Oriental Sporting Mag. Aug. 334/1: [H]e himself shortly after retired, letting me know, however, as he left the room, that he should be up betimes to have a ‘dekh’ at the stud.
at deck, n.2
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