1848 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 22 Dec. 4/5: His Coats have not been walloping for years at the door.at wallop, v.
1850 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 29 Jan. 1/5: It was agreed [...] that the doucer of 110l. would be paid upon an appointment of 110l. being procured.at doucer, n.
1850 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 19 Apr. 2/5: He appeared to entertain a supreme contempt for [...] both cap and trotter cases in all seasons.at trotter-box (n.) under trotter, n.
1851 (ref. to 1822) Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 3 Jan. 3/3: It got the name of ‘senatorial brandy,’ which will recall to recollection the ‘parliamentary whisky’ of 1822.at parliamentary whisky, n.
1853 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 23 Dec. 4/4: This is dreadful weather [...] it is sometimes necessary to take something by way of a fogmatic.at fogmatic, n.
1853 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser (Scot.) 11 Jan. 2/5: ‘He was stabbed with a Bridport dagger,’ an intricate, but polite form of epxressing a hempen neck-tie.at stabbed with a Bridport dagger (adj.) under stab, v.
1857 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 23 June 2/1: [from N.Y. Tribune] Thousands of lottery dealers, policy backers, pickpockets, hall thieves, burglars, wharf-rats, area sneaks, pimps and vampyres, practice their knaveries openly.at area-sneak, n.
1857 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 15 Dec. 1/1: Wi’ canty tale and funny joke, wi’ launchin’ when ther tailor spoke.at canty, adj.1
1857 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 15 Dec. 1/1: Patie whip-the-cat, the Tailor o’ Monzie.at whip-the-cat, n.
1857 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 23 June 3/7: The plaintiff [...] declared he had been cheated by means of loaded dice.at loaded, adj.
1857 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 23 June 2/1: [from N.Y. Tribune] Thousands of lottery dealers, policy backers, pickpockets, hall thieves, burglars, wharf-rats, area sneaks, pimps and vampyres, practice their knaveries openly.at policy, n.
1857 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 23 June 2/1: [from N.Y. Tribune] Thousands of lottery dealers, policy backers, pickpockets, hall thieves, burglars, wharf-rats, area sneaks, pimps and vampyres, practice their knaveries openly.at wharf-rat, n.
1857 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 23 June 2/1: [from N.Y. Tribune] Ten thousand lazy, drunken, thieving short-boys, swill-boys, killers, roughs and rowdies [...] lounge on the rum-cursed corners of streets.at swill-boy (n.) under swill, n.
1861 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 22 Mar. 4/5: The aggrieved party instantly acted [...] and knocked the cunning shaver into a bedroom.at cunning shaver (n.) under cunning, adj.
1861 Dundee, Perth &Cupar Advertiser 14 May 7/5: Bright understandings!!! Harper Twelvetrees’ New Government Blacking As supplied to the Horse Guards.at understandings, n.1
1862 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 7 Nov. 2/7: He gave him a clap on the shoulder and proceeded to handcuff him.at clap on the shoulder (n.) under clap, n.
1862 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 18 July 6/4: There were streaks of blood on the side of the jaw-box, which might have got there when a person was in the act of wringing a bloody cloth.at jarbox, n.
1862 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 3 Jan. 8/4: The wretch [...] put in the ‘joungs,’ [i.e. stocks] made to do penance in a white sheet; decorated with St Johnstone’s tippet — which is Scotch [...] for being hanged.at St Johnstone’s tippet, n.
1862 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 18 Nov. 3/7: On Saturday another Shebeen Court was held [...] Ann Morrson [...] was charged with selling spirits without a license.at shebeen, n.
1862 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser (Scot.) 12 Aug. 7/2: The American Shin-Plaster Currency [...] The union is flooded with paper. It descends like snow, in flakes, worth a half-penny a piece.at shinplaster (adj.) under shin, n.3
1862 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 29 Apr. 8/5: Taffy Controlling the Planets. At Bristol Police Court [...] a dirty-looking man calling himself a Welshman was charged with obtaining money by pretending to tell fortunes.at Taffy, n.
1863 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 14 Apr. 2/5: These illustrations are very amusing, ‘Old Clootie’ [...] represented with the orthodox tail and horns.at old clootie (n.) under old, adj.
1863 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 26 June 6/5: ‘Tip us your flipper, old covey,’ sez I.at tip one’s flipper (v.) under tip, v.3
1864 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 5 Feb. 4/4: If he is hard pushed, he will find it more to his advantage gracefully to withdraw.at hard-pushed (adj.) under hard, adj.
1864 Dundee, Perth & Cupar Advertiser 18 Nov. 5/1: ‘Too much spirit in the port, indeed!’ exclaimed old Beeswing to a friendcoc.at old beeswing (n.) under old, adj.