Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bull-jive v.

[bullshit n. + jive v.1 (2)]

1. (US black) to tease, to hoax.

B. Gaither ‘That Will Never Do’ 🎵 Look here, baby, what is you tryin’ to do? / Waste all my money an’ bull-jive me too.
[US](con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 340: Come on, Sergeant Solly, you know I was just bull-jiving.
[US]M. Casey ‘Serious Incident Report’ in Obscenities 13: I ain’t even bulljivin.
[US]C. Major Juba to Jive.

2. (US Mex. teen) passing time.

[US]L. Rodríguez Always Running (1996) 158: ‘It’s my neighborhood, man. I’m there nulljiving, just passing time’.

3. in adj. use, nonsensical, absurd.

[US]G. Pelecanos Down by the River 182: I could see Ramon doing some kind of bull-jive flying sidekick toward Darnell.