Green’s Dictionary of Slang

befokte adj.

also gefoetered
[Afk. befok, fucked adj.1 ]

(S.Afr.) a general intensifier.

[SA]A. Dangor ‘Waiting for Leila’ in Mutloatse Forced Landing 165: Go and do your befokte shouting somewhere else [...] Voertsek.
[SA]A. Dangor ‘Waiting for Leila’ in Waiting for Leila (2001) 58: Dronk. Gefoetered, you crazy blerry boertjie!
Flint & Freer Rats, Bats, Ugly n.p.: We can’t talk to the befokte things to persuade them to surrender.
[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex 54: I made the clever suggestion that we plan a job on the Pinball Kafee. Digre thought this was a befucktaaa idea!