Green’s Dictionary of Slang

swamp n.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

swamp ass (n.)

(US teen) sweat gathering between the cleft of the buttocks.

OnLine Dict. of Playground Sl. 🌐 swamp ass n. the effect of sitting and sweating a lot. i.e. trousers/shorts etc get wet and smell.

(US) illicitly distilled ‘moonshine’ liquor.

Burlington Dly Times (NC) 19 Dec. 1/8: Proferred a dram of Alamance county ‘swamp dew’ [...] Doc shook his head.
swamp donkey (n.)

a very unattractive woman; occas. man.

[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: swamp donkey n. A female bereft of physical beauty; tug boat; boiler; sea monster; steg.
[UK]P. Meditzy ‘A Day In The Life Of...’ 29 Apr. 🌐 Anyway I get to the night club. There are a few ‘swamp donkeys’ and ‘salad dodgers’ hanging around including a few others that looked like they have been ‘ram raiding on scooters’.
[Ire]P. Howard Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightdress 283: She’s actually a focking swamp donkey.
[US]C. Eble (ed.) UNC-CH Campus Sl. Spring 2014.
swamp guinea (n.) [guinea n.1 (1)]

1. a derog. name for an Italian; the inference is of utter stupidity.

[US]E. Tidyman Shaft 162: The black man was running loose among the swamp guineas of the Village.
[US]R. Price Wanderers 160: Angry glances. ‘Jungle Bunny,’ said Peter Udo. ‘Swamp Guinea,’ shot back Ray Barrett. ‘Han’kerchief Head,’ said Ricky Leopoldi. ‘Mountin’ Wop,’ said Curly.
R. Adams Monsters and Magicians 111: A frigging heart attack ain’t murder, you crazy swamp-guinea.
E.W. Count Cop Talk 249: He’s a fucking swamp guinea. He embarrasses me. l’m ashamed l’m ltalian.

2. (US) a derog. name for a black person [poss. misinterpretation of sense 1].

[US]Ragni & Rado ‘Colored Spade’ 🎵 I’m a / [...] / Cotton pickin’ / Swamp guinea / Junk man / Shoeshine boy.
swamp-hog (n.)

(Aus.) a general term of abuse, usu. aimed at girls or women.

Truth(Perth, WA) 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 5/2: Moat of those [railway workers] whose services were retained [...] are beer-bummers, lug-biters, and swamp-hogs.
[Aus]K. Lette Girls’ Night Out (1995) 187: Surfers are an amphibious, beach-dwelling species, who hunt in packs for females with ‘margarine legs’. You know, easily spread. Chicks are nicknamed bush pigs, swamp hogs, maggots, spitters or swallowers.
[UK]Indep. on Sun. Real Life 27 June 11: They talked about women as bushpigs, swamp-hogs or maggots.
[UK]Indep. 10 Sept. 22/1: Growing up as a surfie girl in Australia where women were referred to as ‘bushpigs’, ‘swamp hogs’ or ‘maggots’.
swamp-rat (n.)

1. (US, also swamp-angel, swamp fox, swamp-rabbit) a rural Southerner from the southern coastal states; a Cajun; also attrib.

[US]W.G. Simms Forayers 494: ‘Hurrah for the old swamp-fox!’ [...] the troopers of the swamp-fox drew in their bridles, and yielded slowly and sullenly, before the advancing infantry of the British.
[US]Dly Astorian (OR) 18 Oct. 2/1: The ignorant [...] big-headed, soft-skulled, over-rated swamp angel who claims to edit the swamp paper.
[US]St Paul Globe (MN) 31 Dec. 11/6: This Arkansas swamp angel happened to take it.
[US]J.W. Carr ‘Words from Northwest Arkansas’ in DN III:ii 160: swamp-angel, swamp-rabbit, swamp-rat, n. A countryman from the swampy district.
[US]A. Green in Journal of Amer. Folklore 🌐 At one time or another Southern local colorists used these analogs for poor white: lubber, peckerwood, cracker, conch, sandhiller, redneck, cajun, woolhat, squatter, clayeater, sharecropper, linthead, swamprat, tarheel, hillbilly.
[US]Current Sl. II:3 11: Swamp rat, n. the girl back home as seen by your roommates.
[US]Maledicta II:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 171: Swamp rat Usually, but not always, the same as Cajun. Specifically, anyone living in or coming from the great Southern swamps.
[US]I.L. Allen Lang. of Ethnic Conflict 45: acadians: [...] coon-ass [also coonie] [...] frenchie, -y; frog [cf. frog for French and French Canadians]; swamp-rat.
[US]P. Cornwell Blow Fly (2004) 28: I’m not some mudbug, swamp-rat redneck.

2. (Aus.) a general term of abuse.

[Aus]T. Winton Human Torpedo 85: Swamp rat, they called him.
swampseed (n.)

(US) rice.

[US]G. Davis Recoll. Sea-Wanderer 289: There are other terms in common use in the cabin and cook's galley [...] Potatoes are spuds, rice is swampseed, beans are tornadoes, snappers or band of music, and bean soup is snapper soup.
[US]Great Bend Trib. (KS) 2 July 3/4: Rice has a lot of names, ranging from ‘moonshine’ or ‘swamp seed’ to ‘John Chinaman’’.