Green’s Dictionary of Slang

frig up v.

also frigg up
[frig v. (6); semi-euph. for fuck up v.]

(orig. Aus.) to make a blunder, to make a mess of; thus frigged up adj.

[US]J. Weidman I Can Get It For You Wholesale 60: Something’s frigged up around here.
[Aus]D. Stivens Jimmy Brockett 223: I had the wind up, at first, that the war would frigg things up.
[US]D. Pendleton Executioner (1973) 27: Come on, let’s get out of this frigged-up funnyland.
[Aus]J. Byrell (con. 1959) Up the Cross 79: ‘As long as he never frigged up Wayne’s clobber’.
[US]S. King Dolores Claiborne 235: I didn’t like the idear of that canny Scotsman thinkin matters were serious enough for him to keep his own counsel n not give poor old Garrett Thibodeau any chance to frig up the works.
[WI]Francis-Jackson Official Dancehall Dict. 21: Frig-up (vul.) to screw up: u. de man frig-up de program.
[Aus]J. Byrell Lairs, Urgers & Coat-Tuggers 250: ‘Try friggin’ this one up for me, you miserable old moll!’.