Green’s Dictionary of Slang

house n.1

1. a whore-house, a house of ill-repute, a brothel.

[Scot]W. Dunbar ‘To the Quene’ in Mackenzie Poems (1932) 60: I saw coclinkis [prostitute] me besyd The young men to thair howses gyd [...] Some fra the bordell wald nocht byd, Quhill that thai gatt the Spanyie pockis.
[UK]Greene Disputation Betweene a Hee and a Shee Conny-Catcher (1923) 72: I remoued my lodging, and gat mee into one of those houses of good hospitalitie whereunto persons resort, commonly called a Trugging house, or to be plaine, a whore house.
[UK]Shakespeare Measure for Measure II i: A bad woman, whose house, sir, was, as they say, plucked down in the suburbs; and now she professes a hot-house, which, I think, is a very ill house too.
[UK]Fletcher Chances IV iii: ’Tis so; that House, Sir.
[UK]R. Brome Covent-Garden Weeded III i: cock: I am one that has the favour of the house sir. nick: To intrude into Gentlemens privacies? ha!
H. Neville Parliament of Ladies 4: The Ladyes […] being as you heard, at their house in Spring Garden.
[UK]New Brawle 9: Not a Lansprisado nor a Tarpawling that furrowed over the rugged botom [sic] of Neptune, but paid Custome to my House.
[Ire]Head Eng. Rogue I 134: I had not been long in her house, before a roaring Damme entred the house.
[UK]‘P.R.’ Whores Dialogue 7: Were it not for his [i.e. a civet-cat’s] sir reverence, I should have such a strong savor, that I suppose a Cobler would disdain to kiss me, much less such vaporing blades as come to our house with their faces muffled.
‘Letter from a Missionary Bawd’ in Carpenter Verse in English from Tudor & Stuart Eng. (2003) 427: McDonnels house does hinder much my trade [i.e. as a bawd] , / For all the Irish draps do there parade.
[Ire]Head Nugae Venales 255: She would put on her own Femal Habit, and sitting in the House as a customary plyer, the Daughter [...] did play Bawd for the Mother, so long till they were apprehended for keeping a disorderly House.
[UK]Buckingham Chances IV i: The Woman of the House too.
[UK] ‘Upon the Pyramid’ in Playford Pills to Purge Melancholy II 4: No sooner the City had lost their old Houses, / But they set up this Monument [...] And yet these Men can’t / In their conscience but grant, / That a House is unworthy compar’d to a Saint.
[UK] ‘The Female Scuffle’ in Farmer Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) IV 212: I’ll have half says the Baud, but you shan’t says the Whore: / Why, ’tis my House, / I care not a Louse.
[UK]C. Hitchin Conduct of Receivers and Thief-Takers 6: Now let us see what are the methods taken to suppress those disorderly Houses.
[UK]Select Trials at Old Bailey (1742) III 37: Margaret Clap was indicted for keeping a disorderly House, in which she procured and encouraged Persons to commit Sodomy, December 10, 1725, and before and after.
[UK]J. Dalton Narrative of Street-Robberies 33: Susan Haws and Dalton went to another House in the Hay Market, where Sukey call’d the Landlord Aunt Mug, alias Belzebub; but Dalton perceiving that this was likewise an House that harbour’d Mollies [...] would not stay.
[UK]C. Johnson Hist. of Highwaymen &c 352: The Cock-Bawd of the House and his Wife [...] resolved to make a further prey of him.
[UK]Thief-Catcher 10: Desperado Bullies keep large Houses and pay considerable Rent.
[UK]Nancy Dawson’s Jests 11: Why! Betty! cries she [i.e. a bawd], no body to fetch the girls to the gentlemen, oh! my God , what will become of this house when I am in the bosom of my sweet saviour.
[Scot] ‘Miss Walker’ in Ranger’s Impartial List of the Ladies of Pleasure in Edinburgh n.p.: This Lady keeps a very genteel house.
[UK]Nocturnal Revels I 15: She [i.e. a bawd] generally had some of the best Pieces in the Garden at her house.
[UK]Correct List of the Sporting Ladies [broadsheet] Her stay will be but short here, as she is under an engagement to one of the principal houses in Bridge-street, Covent-Garden.
[UK]Harris’s List of Covent-Garden Ladies 32: A certain Sergeant, who was long a house keeper, beating up for recruits, she inlisted under him and is now in his service.
[UK]M. Leeson Memoirs (1995) III 146: She now moves in a much higher sphere, keeping an excellent house.
[UK]Sporting Mag. Nov. XVII 84/2: He mentioned the Play-houses, amongst certain other houses, as the scene of his amusements.
N.Y. Police Dept. Jan. [public notice] The Landlords, Tenants, and Occupiers of all houses of ill fame [...] are hereby notified, that all houses of the above description, found west of Rutgers-street, from and after the first day of May, will become the particular objects of the viligance [sic] of the Police, until they are suppressed.
[UK]Pierce Egan’s Life in London 7 Nov. 326/1: They [i.e. two ‘nymphs of the Piazza’] [...] enticed him into one of the notorious ‘houses’ — as such places are called by those who do not like to call things by their right names.
[UK]Egan Finish to the Adventures of Tom and Jerry (1889) 195: If you persist in following that bunter and enter that infamous house, I will stop you.
[US]Ely’s Hawk & Buzzard (NY) Sept. 29 n.p.: A house of rather doubtful character.
[UK]H. Brandon Poverty, Mendicity and Crime; Report 149: Mother Thompson, who keeps a bad house in the rookery.
[US]Wkly Rake (NY) 18 June n.p.: the rake advises [...] The man who called last Tuesday at a certain house in Church street [...] bearing a letter [...] to one of its inmates [etc] .
[UK]New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus frontispiece: Introducing Houses, West-End ‘Walks,’ Chanting Slums, Flash Cribs, and Dossing Kens.
[UK]Peeping Tom (London) 10 38/1: The boarders of these houses are obliged to [...] decoy any straggling young man who may reel in from the tavern.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 14 Mar. 3/2: He told him to keep an eye on witness and his friend, saying that ‘one of thom (witness) is a b— house keeper, and served six months for it’.
Detroit Trib. 6 Oct. 3/1: Efforts have time and again been made by the police force to break up the house so as to rid society of the nuisance [DA].
[UK]E. Sellon Phoebe Kissagen 33: Now you are in a house full of some of the finest young women in London, who I can assure you are entirely at your command, free of any charge.
[US]E. Crapsey Nether Side of N.Y. 143: These are houses a shade more sufferable [...] and are filled with women who do not shock at the first glance.
[UK]London Life 7/1: [S]he entered a house in Pimlico, where the proprietress clothed and sent out women to fascinate and bring home gentlemen, taking care though to secure the greater part, if not all, the money they received.
[US]Fort Worth Democrat-Advance 27 Jan. in Miller & Snell Why the West was Wild 453: ‘Mysterious Dave’ [...] charged with stealing a gold chain and ring belonging to Georgia Morgan, a copper-colored coon who is proprietress of the famous ‘Long Branch’ house of Dallas.
[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life (1966) VI 1200: A well know traveller is said to have got his wife from one of the houses at this town, and a charming wife and woman she has ever since been.
[US]J. Washburn Und. Sewer 27: During the time I resided in Lincoln the number of ‘houses’ ranged from a half dozen to a dozen, of different grades.
[US]G.J. Kneeland Commercialized Prostitution in N.Y. City 95: My wife got sixty days for running this house the other day.
[Aus]Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 2/4: Charming Vivienne (she’s a Frenchie from an East Melbourne ’ouse).
[UK]Western Mail 2 Aug. 2/6: It was alleged that the defendant kept a certain type of house under the cloak of doing the soldiers’ washing.
[US]E. Caldwell Bastard (1963) 32: She’s the best girl in the house.
[US]J. Spenser Limey 187: Once a girl got into one of Marco’s houses she was done for.
[US]N. Algren ‘Depend on Aunt Elly’ in Texas Stories (1995) 96: It’s what I get for playin’ the streets [...] I’d be better off in a house.
[US]M. Millar Wives & Lovers (2016) 155: ‘The old biddy [...] told me [...] that she didn’t keep a house and that she wasn’t a madam’.
[US](con. 1890s) S.H. Adams Tenderloin 170: Strange happenings were, indeed, of frequent occurence in the houses of the Tenderloin.
[US]‘Lou Rand’ Gay Detective (2003) 61: We had to close up all those quiet, friendly, well-regulated houses.
[US]‘Gunboat’ Smith in Heller In This Corner (1974) 41: The second wife was a bum right out of a house.
[UK](con. 1972) W. Sherman Times Square 126: ‘These broads are shit,’ he whispered. ‘Ya want conversation or cunt? [...] This ain’t a hundred-dollar house.’.
[US](con. late 19C) C. Jeffords Shady Ladies of the Old West 🌐 The women who lived in ‘good houses’ considered themselves the cream of the crop, and scorned those who worked in (or out of) saloons, dance halls, and theaters.
[US]G. Pelecanos (con. 1972) What It Was 202: She goes by Coco. Runs a house right here on Fourteenth.

2. a public house, a hotel, an illegal drinking house.

[UK]Dekker The Belman of London H4: They seek out some blind victualling house [...] whose Host (if it be possible) is either an asse easie to be ridden, or else a common drunkard.
[UK]T. Heywood Faire Maid of the West Pt I I i: capt.: Come to the Castle then. Goodl.: What, to the old house still?
[UK]Woman Turn’d Bully V i: I left him just now drinking a Glass at the Cock-ale-house.
[UK]G. Meriton In Praise of York-shire Ale 7: A brave full house, Bachus himselfe was there.
[UK]C. Hitchin Regulator 21: Henry Andrewson [...] keeps a Case, and all the Traders in general use his House, he is an Old Thief.
[UK]Distilled Liquors the Bane of the Nation in Papers of Francis Place (1825) vii: When a justice of the peace sets about a reformation of the unlicensed houses, he finds himself surrounded with numbers of perrtyfogging attorneys.
[UK]J. Poulter Discoveries (1774) 4: I took a House in Porter’s-Row [...] I gave thirteen Pounds a Year, and had good Custom, and drew five Barrels of Ale one Week with another.
[UK]A Treatise upon Publicans 14: These and such like are the scenes in these houses.
[UK]G.A. Stevens Adventures of a Speculist I 259: There was a house in Charles-street, called the Field of Blood, where the droll fellows used nightly to resort.
[Ire]Spirit of Irish Wit 116: ‘What’s become of the £10,000 you received at your father’s death?’ ‘I laid it all out in houses [...] All snug taverns and gaming houses, in Dublin’.
‘Humours of Glasgow Fair’ in Eyre-Todd Glasgow Poets (1906) 207: Then, for a house they gaed glowring, / Whar they might get wetting their mou’.
[UK]New Swell’s Night Guide to the Bowers of Venus 36: King’s Arms Borough. A house that has been often indicted.
[UK]Besant & Rice Golden Butterfly I 97: There are ‘houses’ handy into which they can slouch from time to time for a drink.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 24 Oct. 14/2: To the ‘house’ that is nearest and handy / We slink from the city’s dull din, / And bathe their brains and our brains in brandy, / Or soak them in soda-and-gin.
[UK]W. Besant Orange Girl I 237: Well, sir, you see us here, as we are, as orderly and peaceful a house as your Worship would desire.
[UK]R. Tressell Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (1955) 409: A house called ‘The Three Loggerheads’.
[UK]T. Burke Limehouse Nights 62: I don’t mind you coming to my ’ouse and getting drunk.
[UK]K. Mackenzie Living Rough 170: The place smelled of tobacco smoke and beer. The house wasn’t very busy.
D.H. Edwards The World Don’t Owe Me Nothing 92: He was a bootlegger, always running a house everywhere he go.

3. a poor-house, a workhouse; a tramps’ lodging house.

[UK]A. Mayhew Paved with Gold 33: The workhouse of ‘St. Lazarus Without.’ ‘The House’ – as all the poor in the neighbourhood called it.
[UK]T. Archer Pauper, Thief and Convict 13: People [...] will endure almost anything rather than ‘go into the house,’ that is, than become Union paupers.
[UK]J. Greenwood Wilds of London (1881) 63: ‘But why doesn’t she go to the workhouse?’ [...] ‘Go to the house yourself! I shan’t go to the house. I won’t go.’.
[UK]J.W. Horsley Jottings from Jail 212: Anyone who knows the effect a hard winter must have on the labouring classes [...] will know that at such times hundreds will perforce accept the shelter of the ‘house’.
[UK]A. Morrison Child of the Jago (1982) 162: An’ if you ’appen to go in the ’ouse — he meant the workhouse — well, it can’t be ’elped.
[UK]J. Ware Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era.
[Aus]M. Garahan Stiffs 108: A proportion of the inhabitants of the House consisted of casual lodgers.

4. (UK society) a group of guests at a ball or dance who sit, eat and dance within their own circle only.

[UK]J. Ware Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era.

5. (US Und.) a police station.

[US]A. Train Prisoner at the Bar 106: ‘Well, the first thing you’ll do,’ remarks the officer, ‘’ll be to walk to the house. Come on, now!’ And forthwith he drags Maria to the door.
in G. Cohen Comments on Ety. (1996) Apr. 2: You can [...] lead them around to the ‘house’ and they’ll never beef.
[US]C. Coe Hooch! 10: ‘Crabo won’t click in this house,’ Flenger sneered. ‘This is a police station. Things happen around here.’.
[US]L. Shecter On the Pad 202: If a guy comes at me to hurt me, then [...] I’ll beat him within an inch of his life. But once he’s under arrest and he’s in the house, it’s all over.
[US]R. Price Lush Life 142: We need for you to come down to the house, help us try to ID these guys .
[US]D. Winslow The Force [ebook] ‘“Oh, God, did she OD?’ ‘No,’ Malone says. ‘If she had, you’d have never made it to the house’.
[US]D. Winslow ‘Sunset’ in Broken 178: They didn’t take him to the house [...] but to his girlfriend’s place.

6. (US Und.) a single prison cell, occas. a dormitory; thus house time, a sentence in jail.

[US]C.G. Givens ‘Chatter of Guns’ in Sat. Eve. Post 13 Apr.; list extracted in AS VI:2 (1930) 133: house, n. Cell.
[US]D. Goines Street Players 124: If there were no fines...all of them would be facing house time.
[US]Jackson & Christian Death Row xvii: My house means my cell.
[US]Bentley & Corbett Prison Sl. 7: House An inmate’s prison cell [...] An inmate’s house is his living area where his bed and personal property are kept. (Archaic: den, pad).
[NZ]D. Looser ‘Boob Jargon’ in NZEJ 13 32: gouse n. Cell.
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 91/1: house n. a cell.
[US]J. Lerner You Got Nothing Coming 45: I don’t put up with no child molesters in my house, know what I’m sayin’? Back in the pen in Kansas we threw the fucking Chomos off the top tier, y’unnerstan’?
[US]J. Stahl Pain Killers 100: He suddenly lunged forward in his chains [...] ‘You’re in my house, old man!’.
[US]J. Hannaham Didn’t Nobody Give a Shit 36: The COs whacked the bars of your house to enforce lights-out.
[US]Rayman & Blau Riker’s 27: [of a prison dormitory] [O]ne part of fifty things they have to do to get [you to] your house.

7. (US black/teen) a prison.

[US]H. Ellison ‘Look Me in the Eye, Boy!’ in Deadly Streets (1983) 158: They got you booked, mugged, printed [...] then they stacked you away in the House.
[US]P. Crump Burn, Killer, Burn! 199: Their decision to leave him in the house as a lesson.
[US]E.E. Landy Underground Dict. (1972).
[US]T. Fontana ‘Strange Bedfellows’ Oz ser. 2 ep. 6 [TV script] I just talked to the Family. You’re out. Somebody else is going to be taking over operations here in the house.
[US]G. Hayward Corruption Officer [ebk] cap. 22: Most likely Murder warned him not to make the house hot by going to the clinic.
[US]Rayman & Blau Riker’s 85: There was this young gang member, and he was trying to act like he ran the whole house.

In compounds

house girl (n.)

1. (US Und.) a prostitute who works in a brothel.

[Aus](con. 1940s) T.A.G. Hungerford Sowers of the Wind 37: ‘And, of course, house-girls.’ ‘And grog, too.’.
[US]Murtagh & Harris Cast the First Stone 12: After the call girls come the house-girls [...] House prices begin at seven dollars for five or ten minutes.

2. in burlesque, a regular performer in a burlesque or strip club, as distinguished from a featured performer who is hired for a limited time.

J. Roe Same Old Grind 44: ‘That’s the feature. We don’t let them drink in here. Only the house girls. We don’t make enough in drinks off the features to take all that ego crap’.

3. (US black) a respectable girl [she is based in the house rather than the street].

[US]N. McCall Them (2008) 15: She a house girl. She ain’t never had no real trash like me.
house m (n.) (also housie)

(N.Z. prison) a pill of halcion.

[NZ]D. Looser ‘Boob Jargon’ in NZEJ 13 32: house m or housie n. Halcyon pill.
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 91/1: house m n. a halcyon pill (usually small, blue and football-shaped).
house mother (n.)

in the sex industry, a madame.

[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 104/1: House mother. The proprietress of a house of prostitution.
[US]R. Giallombardo Gloss. in Study of a Women’s Prison 205: House Mother. The madam of a house of prostitution.
[US] (ref. to late 1950s) B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 112: During the late ’50s [...] He-madames, house mothers (camp) and misters ran male-order houses.
[US]Maledicta IX 150: The original argot of prostitution includes some words and phrases which have gained wider currency and some which have not […] house mother (madame).
street house (n.)

(US) a second-rate brothel.

[US]Life in Boston & N.Y. (Boston, MA) 25 Oct. n.p.: Why don’t the police break up that low ‘street house’ kept by Miss Frank Allen.
[US]N.E. Police Gaz. (Boston, MA) 18 Aug. 5/2: Ada Burns and Mike Agin have opened a street house.

In phrases

atop of the house

very angry.

The VVelchmans last petition n.p.: [A]s soone as you are angry you are presently a top of the house.
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: He is up in the Boughs, or a top of the House, said of one upon the Rant, or in a great Ferment.
[UK]Oxford Jests 1: Good lord, says he, one cannot speak a word, but you are a top o’ th’ House presently.
[UK]New Canting Dict. [as cit. c.1698].
go house (v.)

to exhibit sudden intense violence, to ‘go wild’.

[US]D. Lehane Gone, Baby, Gone 197: Over a hundred spent shells had been found in the trees and ledges directly behind Broussard’s cliff [...] ‘Looks like the shooters went house back here’.
hit a house (v.)

(US prison) to search a cell.

[US]Bentley & Corbett Prison Sl. 98: Occasionally, prison guards will conduct random searches or shakedowns of inmates’ cells or living areas looking for weapons, drugs or other contraband. This type of search is referred to as hitting your house.
house of civil reception (n.) (also house of civil entertainment)

a brothel.

[UK]W. Kenrick Falstaff’s Wedding (1766) I v: As to a house of civil entertainment, Sir John; here is one hard by, where knights and lords, and all the great gentlemen of the court, are entertained, both night and by day [...] A house of civil entertainment, a bawdy-house truly!
[UK]Nancy Dawson’s Jests 11: Mother Brown, keeping a house of civil reception in Ireland, a girl went into a private room with the late lord Thomond.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
house of convenience (n.) (also house of conveniency)

a brothel, a house of assignation.

The Quakers art of courtship 74: [T]here was a Motion made by Friends to go to a House of Convenience, but we prevailed with them to put off that, because of the Season of the Night which was pretty late.
[UK]London-Bawd (1705) 103: The house which I now keep, is a house of Convenience for Gentlemen and Ladies; and goes under several Denominations: Some calls it The School of Venus; others a Vaulting School; others the Assignation-house; And some that are my Enemies, bestow upon it the Title of a Bawdy-house.
[UK]Cleland Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1985) 88: Keeping a house of conveniency, there were no lengths in lewdness she would not advise me to go in compliance with her customers.
[UK]Flash Mirror 5: The Crown Coffee House, Drury Lane, [is] a house of convenience, continually open.
house of D. (n.)

(US) the Women’s House of Detention, NYC.

[US]R.D. Pharr S.R.O. (1998) 50: ‘I can see you’ve got that damned monkey off your back. How’d you do it?’ ‘House of D’.
house of delight (n.) (also house of entertainment, ...of joy, ...pleasure)

a brothel.

[UK]‘P.R.’ Whores Dialogue 5: We were Ladies of Pleasure, so we had a very pleasurable house, Gardens of pleasure, Arbors of pleasure, hang’d Rooms of pleasure, and beds of pleasures, where Gentlemen for their Money had their pleasure with us.
[UK]T. Brown Letters from the Dead to the Living in Works (1707–8) (1760) II 264: Thus plaguing and pillaging of all our known houses of delight, has been a great discouragement to young ladies from tendring their services at such places.
[UK] ‘The Town-Rakes’ in Farmer Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) IV 108: He [...] All houses of Pleasure, breaks Windows and Doors, / Kicks Bullies and Cullies, then lies with their Whores.
[UK]C. Johnson Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 175: She took a fine Lodging at a house of Entertainment.
[UK]Trial of Elizabeth Canning in Howell State Trials (1816) 327: [T]here was another room she heard a noise in of nights, but that it was very quiet of days, being a house of entertainment in the night.
[US]Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 6 Feb. 6/3: The fat and ancient Madame of a house of joy.
house of profession (n.)

a brothel.

[UK]Shakespeare Measure for Measure IV iii: I am as well acquainted here as I was in our house of profession: one would think it were Mistress Overdone’s own house, for here be many of her old customers.
house of resort (n.)

a brothel.

[UK]Shakespeare Measure for Measure I ii: Shall all our houses of resort in the suburbs be pulled down?
[UK]C. Sorel The comical history of Francion 9: [B]eing gone into a house of Resort to quench their thirst, they drank a draught or two.
[UK]A Merry life and a short n.p.: There's dainty fine simpering Sue, / lives at a house of resort in the strand.
[UK]‘Jon Bee’ Living Picture of London 162: To penetrate the back slum of a ‘house of resort’.
house of sale (n.)

a brothel.

[UK]Shakespeare Hamlet II i: I saw him enter such a house of sale Videlicet, a Brothel, or so forth.
house of state (n.)

a brothel.

[Ire]Head Eng. Rogue I 381: Is that a Brothel, or an House of State [...] This was a stately house, and yet was such; In stately houses Ladies take a touch.
in the house

1. (US black) at home.

[US]G. Scott-Heron Vulture (1996) 53: The gang would be on Ninth [...] most of the younger cats and chicks would be in the house.

2. lit., present and fig., aware, ‘on the ball’ etc.

[[US] Van Loan ‘The Pearl Brooch’ in Taking the Count 259: Many friends of Oscar’s victims were in the house].
[US]Dr Dre ‘Fuck Wit Dre Day’ 🎵 Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay / Doggy Dogg’s in the motherfuckin house.
[US]D.H. Sterry Chicken (2003) 144: Hooooooo-ie, Sunny is in de house!
[US]Simon & Lehane ‘Dead Soldiers’ Wire ser. 3 ep. 3 [TV script] Uh-oh. Downtown in the house.

3. (orig. US black/teen) excellent.

[US]L. Stavsky et al. A2Z 53/2: in the house – the place to be; successful or happening.
[US]‘Touré’ Portable Promised Land (ms.) 158: We Words (My Favorite Things) [...] Word is bond. Bring it on. In the house. Fight the power.
play house (v.)

1. (US) to cohabit.

[US]Ade Forty Modern Fables 191: A few Flocks of these Organisms moved into a Gentleman and began to Play House and Nibble around.
[US]R. Chandler ‘Spanish Blood’ in Spanish Blood (1946) 16: He’s been playing house with a night club number called Stella La Motte.
[US]Elvis Presley [song title] Baby Let’s Play House .
[US]Lehr & O’Neill Black Mass 83: Flemmi showered her with clothes, jewelry, even a car, and the two began to play house.

2. (US campus) to have sexual intercourse.

[US]‘Investigator Reports, 1927–1929’ Committee of Fourteen Papers 45: She wanted to get started, ‘to play house,’ and led him into the bedroom.
[US] ‘Mae West in “The Hip Flipper”’ [comic strip] in B. Adelman Tijuana Bibles (1997) 97: A scrumptious layout where he can run in whenever he feels like playing house and put on a blanket party.
[US]G. Swarthout Where the Boys Are 34: We played house. That is the current euphemism.
[US]F. Kohner Affairs of Gidget 73: I was spastically happy to be with Jeff [...] to play house within the confines of our old meeting ground, the snug Volkswagon.
R. Charles Brother Ray 157: I was the last one to discover that he and Pat were keeping house.

3. to insult one’s peers with ref. to their mother.

[US]W.B. Miller ‘Gang Delinquency’ in Short Gang Delinquency and Delinquent Subcultures (1968) 142: The highly ritualized type of mutual insult interchange known as ‘the dirty dozens,’ ‘the dozens,’ ‘playing house’.

4. of two homosexuals, to play around in a sexual manner.

[US]K. Marlowe Mr Madam (1967) 42: Peter and I decided to play house – I was always the mother.

SE in slang uses

Pertaining to a lavatory

In phrases

House of Commons (n.) [pun on SE/commons n.]

1. a brothel, or a whore’s vagina .

[UK]Belle’s Stratagem 13: Mrs Racket: Here’s to every upright member that enters the House of Commons! [...] Courtall: With all my heart, Bet — And to every upright member who enters houses that are not common.

2. a privy, a lavatory.

[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. (2nd edn).
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[UK]Sl. Dict.
house of easement (n.) (also chapel of ease, house of..., office of..., place of...) [euph.]

a privy.

[UK]A. Boorde A dyetary of healthe n.p.: [L]et the cōmon house of easement be ouer some water, or els elongated from the house.
[UK]R. Grafton A [...] history of the affayres of Englande 173: [T]his sonne of Edrycus [...] espyed when the king was at a house of easement to purge nature, and with a Speare strake him int the fundament, and so into the body, whereof king Edmond shortly after dyed.
[UK]T. Dawson The second part of the good hus-wiues iewell n.p.: [S]ée if the house of easement bee sweete and cleane, and the priuy boord couered with greene cloth and a Quishin.
[UK]Middleton Chaste Maid in Cheapside V i: Is’t not a place for easement?
[UK]H. Glapthorne Hollander I i: Is it not in plaine termes, a house of ease.
D. Petau The history of the vvorld 502: [T]he overstraining of whose body by working, caused this abortion to be made in a house of easement.
Æsop's fables 19: In times foregoing a man of great effeminacy did so long engage himself in the House of Easement, that his Heart and Ordure were vented together.
[UK]Dryden Kind Keeper V i: I shall civilly desire you henceforth not to make a Chappel of Ease of Pug’s Closet.
[UK]Art of Meditating over an House of Office cover: Proposals at large for establishing a corporation for erecting 500 publick offices of ease.
[UK]‘Jeffrey Broadbottom’ Meditations Upon an House-of-Office 26: I then fell into a Philosophical Argument with myself, to explore the Reason, why these Houses of Ease are always so productive of Poetry.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
house of office (n.) (also house ex officio)

a privy.

[UK]H. Rhodes The boke of nurtur for men seruauntes n.p.: [F]olde down his bed, and warme his night kercher, and se his house of office be cleane.
[UK]G. Martin A treatise of schisme n.p.: Arius going to a house of office, because he was taken short as he was in the stréete, there powred out his bowels.
A. Copley Wits fittes and fancies 198: An olde Gentlewoman going to the house of office, espy’d a looking glasse that lay there vpon a shelf.
[UK]Middleton Father Hubburd’s Tales line 395: His back part seemed to us like a monster, the roll of the breeches standing so low that we conjectured his house of office, sir-reverence, stood in his hams.
[UK]Chapman May-Day IV ii: This is a hard case; no room serve your turn but my wife’s coal-house, and her other house of office annexed to it, a privy place for herself.
[UK]J. Taylor ‘World runnes on Wheeles’ in Works (1869) II 242: A backe-part of a house of office may be framed (as you may for euery where on the bank-side).
[UK]Parliament of Women C: Mistris Dorothy Do-little, said my goodman came home drunk the other day, and [...] he hid himselfe in the house of Office, and their began to ease his stomacke.
[UK] in Ebsworth Choyce Drollery (1876) 33: [title] Upon a House of Office over a River, set on fire by a coale of tobacco.
[UK] ‘Upon Alderman Atkins’ in Rump Poems and Songs (1662) I 137: He made a House of Office of his Hose? / Stand further off, if it offend your Nose.
Wandring Whores Complaint 4: The other night I met with a Carrot-pated Cull [...] he pretended to go to the house ex officio.
[Ire]Head Nugae Venales 213: One going to a House of Office, fie upon’t, said he, there is an odiferous House indeed.
[Ire]‘Teague’ Teagueland Jests I 37: I did fling de resht [of the coins] in de Houshe-of-Offishe.
[UK]N. Ward London Spy IV 84: Every Body was glad to escape his Fury, by keeping at a distance; none came within [...] the Scent of his Breath, which you may be sure stunk as bad as a House-of-Office.
[UK]A great & famous scoldling-match 3: Had he not just before been emptying of a House of Office, you had certainly strangled him with your unsavoury Breath.
[UK]E. Hickeringill Priest-Craft II 48: There is no better place for his nasty Guts [...] then in the Jaques, the Bog-house or House of Office.
[UK]W. King York Spy 11: An old gambling Cock loft, which stunk as bad as [...] an House of Office when the Gold-finders are emptying it.
Polly Peachum's Jests 8: You are built directly contrary to Act of Parliament, you are but two Stories high, and your Belcony [sic] hangs over your House-of-Office.
[UK]C. Johnson Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 170: Her Mistriss [...] convey’d it away, and cast it into the House of Office.
[UK]Proceedings Old Bailey 13 Apr. 149/1: An House-of-Office, belonging to the Dwelling-House of Luke Philpot, where there was a great Quantity of Filth and Excrement.
[Scot]Robertson of Struan ‘On Mris. F-----n’ Poems (1752) 83: So to a House of Office streight / A School-Boy does repair, / To ease his Postern of its Weight, / And fr-- his P---- there.
[UK]The Tricks of the Town Laid Open (4 edn) 60: Let them [...] try, whether a Horse-pond, or a House of Office, will work any thing towards their Reformation.
[UK]Covent Garden Jester (2nd edn) 7: Mr. Pitt [...] protested he would never again live in a house of office.
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. (2nd edn).
houses of parliament (n.) [‘where all the big pricks hang out’]

(UK/N.Z.) a lavatory, esp. a public lavatory.

[UK]B. McGhee Cut and Run (1963) 14: Ben and I went to the ‘Houses of Parliament’.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl.

General uses

In compounds

house ape (n.)

(US) a small child.

[US]R. Gover JC Saves (1979) 127: A bunch a blue-eyed spade house apes inta the bargain.
[US]H. Selby Jr Requiem for a Dream (1987) 15: The goddamn house apes yelling and fightin about whose piece of meat is bigger and...whats for dessert.
[US]P. Dickson Slang! 220: House ape. Small child.
D. Wilton posting 5 Feb. on ‘Wordorigins Org’ on Ezboard 🌐 ‘Rugrat’ appears in 1970. It’s US in origin. ‘Rug-ape’ is from 1967 and ‘ankle-biter’ from 1963. ‘House-ape’ is another term.
house dog (n.)

(US tramp) one who takes jobs in private houses.

[US]‘Dean Stiff’ Milk and Honey Route 208: House dog—A fellow who goes about hunting jobs, cleaning windows, beating carpets, etc.
house fee (n.)

(drugs) a fee charged for entry into a room or apartment where one can smoke crack cocaine.

[US]T. Williams Crackhouse 149: house fee money paid to enter a crackhouse.
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 12: House fee — Money paid to enter a crackhouse.
house-knacker (n.) (also house-farmer) [SE house-knacker, one who buys old houses to strip out their materials or to convert them for profitable use]

a landlord who rents third-rate accommodation to the poor.

[UK]Barrère & Leland Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant I 478/1: House-farmers, house-knackers (popular), a variety of the ‘sweater’ tribe. Persons who let bad lodgings at a high rent to the poor.
houseman (n.) [his specializing in house-breaking rather than safe-cracking etc.]

1. (US) a burglar.

[US]Number 1500 Life In Sing Sing 255: Houseman. A burglar.
[US]G. Bronson-Howard Enemy to Society 147: Say a ‘house man’ or a ‘sneak’ or a ‘second-story’ man or a ‘peteman’ — anything but ‘cracksman’.
[US]G. Henderson Keys to Crookdom 408: Houseman. Burglar, prowler.
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn).

2. the house representative in a gambling game.

[US]J. O’Hara ‘Sportmanship’ [sic] in New Yorker 12 May 97/1: ‘Give me the job as house man. [...] I’ll come here in the mornings and clean up, and practice up my game, and then when I get my eye back, I’ll shoot for the house—’ .
[US]R.D. Abrahams Deep Down in the Jungle 142: The giraffe was the houseman [i.e. in a pool game]. You know naturally he had a stake.
[US]G. Hayward Corruption Officer [ebk] cap. 1: ‘Head crack,’ Houseman yelled [...] he went round the table to collect money from the bettors .

3. (US) one who favours their employer’s viewpoint over the public.

L. Schecter Jocks 82: A house man is one who blindly and obediently expresses what he hopes is management’s point of view.
house mouse (n.)

(US) one who stays at home, or in a single environment.

[US]L. Lungaro The 3-0 192: He was technically a house mouse, which meant he stayed inside, always doing administrative work [etc].
house-plant (n.)

(US) an indolent person who does nothing but sit around.

[US] in H.S. Truman in Ferrell Dear Bess (1983) 227: We are all as happy as can be expected for a bunch of house plants.
[US]P. Munro Sl. U.
house rabbit (n.)

(Aus.) a rat.

N. Queensland Register (Townsville, Qld) 9 Nov. 7/4: Rats! Rats! Rats! cried the love-making couple [...] The young man in another moment was lashing into those house rabbits with a forty foot pole.
house rat (n.)

(US) a child.

[US]H. Selby Jr Last Exit to Brooklyn 262: Ah, it was great, real great man to just sit and [...] not have those ghuddam houserats arunnin all ovuhya.
housework (n.)

(US Und.) burglary; thus house-worker, a burglar.

[US]I.L. Nascher Wretches of Povertyville 206: When engaged in ‘housework’ (burglary) or ‘till tapping’ (robbing money drawers) a pal or companion is necessary and plans must be made in advance. [...] The ‘house worker’ [...] will go through a house pretending to be the directory man or a peddler of gas tips or some other small article [...] If he finds a door open and no one in the room he will take whatever he can lay his hands on.
[US]Hostetter & Beesley It’s a Racket! 229: HOUSEWORK–Burglary; robbery done indoors.

In phrases

house for rent (n.) [a widow becomes ‘vacant’ for a new (male) ‘tenant’]

a widow.

[US] ‘Jargon of the Und.’ in DN V 451: House for rent, A widow.
[US]Irwin Amer. Tramp and Und. Sl. 105: House for Rent.–A widow.
house of D (n.) [abbr.]

(US prison) a house of detention; spec. the Women’s House of Detention in NYC.

[US]J. Mills Panic in Needle Park (1971) 168: She’s in the House of D right now, so what can he do?
[US] in S. Harris Hellhole 44: The House of D. was never meant to be a rest home.
[US]R.R. Lingeman Drugs from A to Z (1970).
house of many nods (n.)

(US black) a hotel.

[US]Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 6 Aug. 11/1: After staching in this burg, St Louis, and mitting my personals in the house of many nods, I was cutting down the midway brought to my deuce of benders because ole sol was tipping his mitt on a deuce of sides of the midway.
house of many slammers (n.)

(US) a prison.

[US]Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 8 Feb. 7/1: The law [...] lowered the boom on him [...] in the domicile of many slammers until he gummed.
D. Burley N.Y. Amsterdam Star-News 29 Mar. 13: The cat I dug laying his spiel in the House of Many Slammers.
Dan Burley ‘Back Door Stuff’ 6 Nov. [synd. col.] Chicks and playboys who have had a change of heart following terms of incarceration in the House of Many Slammers.
[US]Hughes & Bontemps Book of Negro Folklore 477: Jail – House of Many Slammers.
[US]P. Crump Burn, Killer, Burn! 199: If that house of many slammers is anything like de one you pulled me from [etc.].
[US]N. Heard [title] House of Slammers.
[US]S. Morgan Homeboy 34: Joe wished him a oneway ticket to the House of Many Slammers.
house that Jack built (n.) (also Jack’s house)

1. a prison [the generic hangman Jack Ketch].

[UK]H. Baumann Londinismen (2nd edn).
[US]J. Spenser Limey 243: The magnificant Hall of Justice was commonly known in Los Angeles at the time as ‘the House that Jack Built.’ A big contractor whose name I forget, but whose first name was Jack, had grafted the contract [...] The jail was built to accommodate 1,200 prisoners.
[UK] (ref. to 1920s) L. Duncan Over the Wall 53: As we approached the tower that marked the entrance to Jack’s house, a head appeared at a high window.

2. (Aus.) the Government Savings Bank in Sydney, opened 1928.

[Aus]Baker Popular Dict. Aus. Sl.

3. (Aus.) a STD clinic [jack (in the box) n.].

[Aus]‘Thommo’ Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 129: THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT — V.D. Clinic.
house under the hill (n.) [the image of the vagina as being ‘down there’ and beneath the fig. hill, or pubic mound; note Aubrey Beardsley’s title for his sole and unfinished erotic novel Under the Hill (1898)]

the vagina.

[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
[US]Maledicta IV:2 (Winter) 185: The anatomical relationship of the bower of bliss and its main channel is indicated in such phrases as […] hoop, leading article, dead end street and house under the hill.
house with green shutters (n.)

(US prison) the gas chamber.

[US]E.H. Lavine Third Degree (1931) 31: The gang chieftains are not chancing ‘a long ride to the Big House or a trip to the House with the Green Shutters’.
house without chairs (n.)

(US black) a temporarily unfurnished apartment or house; usu. as used for parties.

D. Burley N.Y. Amsterdam Star-News 17 May 11: [W]hat the chippies, the chicks , the hens and the harpies did [...] in the House Without Chairs Where the Lights Are Blue.
[US]D. Burley Orig. Hbk of Harlem Jive 64: I just came out from the House Without Chairs Where the Lights are a Solid Blue.
throw the house out of the windows (v.) (also cast the house out of the windows, turn…)

to make a great deal of noise or disturbance.

[UK]W. Bullein Bk of Simples fol. 28: What a sweete heauen is this? Haue at all, kockes woundes, blood and nayles, caste the house out at the window, and let the Diuell pay the Malte man.
[UK]T. Hilder Conjugall counsell 110: [T]hey are no good meanes that some women use to reclaime their Husbands by, as to follow them with an enraged spirit to an Ale-house, and there to raile, and foame, pull, and teare, as if they would throw the house out of the window (as we say).
‘A Proper New Ballad on the New Parliament’ in Wright Political Ballads 146: If we take them there any more, wee’l throw the house out of the window.
G. Torriano The second alphabet consisting of proverbial phrases 42: [W]hen a covetous man means to play the Prodigal, and throw the house out of the windows.
J.Bunyan The water of life 107: It will as we say, throw the House out of the Windows, but will rid us of the plague of those most deadly Infections .
J. Harrington Oceana 257: One would think the Gascon had don well; Is he satisfy’d? No, he will now throw the House out of the windows.
Ozell Moliere I 180: I’ll have a virtuous wife, or I’ll throw the house out o’ th’ window.
[UK]Dickens ‘Mrs Joseph Porter’ in Slater Dickens’ Journalism I (1994) 405: The whole family was infected with the mania for Private Theatricals; the house, usually so clean and tidy, was, to use Mr. Gattleton’s expressive description, ‘regularly turned out o’ windows’.
E. Peacock Gloss. Manley, Lincs. 563: To throw the house out of the windows, To make a great noise, disturbance, or tumult in a house.