Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cog n.3

(Aus.) northern New South Wales variation on bogan n. (1)

Google Groups: aus.culture.gothic 5 June 🌐 I’ve also heard the term ‘Boon’ and ‘Booner’ as well as ‘Cog’. Cog was the slang in Northern NSW. These days I am more worried by thick-necked morons in chambray shirts.
[Aus]Aus. Word Map 🌐 cog a lout, particularly one interested in fast cars: A father to his daughter: ‘You're not getting in a car with that bloke, he's a real cog, you can do better than that!’.
[Aus]Aus. Word Map 🌐 cogger read same as bevan, bogan, westy, etc.: Nobody likes a cogger.