Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mount v.1

[SE before 19C and when used of animals]

to have sexual intercourse with, spec. to climb on, prior to sexual intercourse.

Shakespeare Venus and Adonis line 596: Now she is in the very lists of love, Her champion mounted for the hot encounter.
[UK]Machin & Markham Dumbe Knight I i: Well sir, I may go or so, but would my mistresse take a standing of my preferment, I would so mount her, shee should loue strange things the better all her life after.
[UK]N. Breton I Would and Would not I in Grosart (1879) 6/1: I would I were a Cuckold Wittall Asse, And car’d not who did mount my Hackney Saddle.
[UK]Jonson New Inn I i: To play sir Pandarus, my copy hath it [...] To mount the chambermaid.
[UK] ‘The Colchester Quaker’s Complaint’ in Ebsworth Merry Drollery Compleat (1875) 57: A scandall ’twill be counted, / When ’tis talk’t with disdain, / Amongst the profane, / How Brother Green was mounted.
[UK] ‘The Four-legg’d Quaker’ Rump Poems and Songs (1662) I 358: He caught a Foal and mounted her / (O base!) below the Crupper.
[UK]Etherege She Would if She Cou’d III iii: She’s so bonny and brisk, / How she’d carvet and frisk, / If a man were once mounted upon her!
[UK]N. Ward ‘A Trip to Jamaica’ Writings (1704) 147: The Jilt [...] for her Security, makes her Rider Pay for his Journey, before he mounts the Saddle.
A. Pennecuik Poems (1815) 363: To see old Cuff upon young Helen mounted [F&H].
[UK]C. Johnson Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 143: I must alight, and mount thy alluring Body, to the End I may come in unto you.
[Scot]Gentleman’s Bottle-Companion 13: The wish of the sportsman shall first be recounted, / Like him, each fair lady loves well to be mounted.
[UK]Harris’s List of Covent-Garden Ladies 49: Her price for either mounting or being mounted is one pound one.
[UK]Essay on the Art of Strangling 7: Mounting men, unaccustomed to hard riding [...] urge them to drive on at so unconscionable a rate.
[UK] ‘Mounting a Maid’ Rambler’s Flash Songster 30: She took his pipe then in her hand, / Another tune to make him stand, [...] When he mounted again the mounting maid.
[Aus]Satirist & Sporting Chron. (Sydney) 4 Mar. 3/4: [He] will only mount his Mare to have a ride — he refuses to mar-r-y her.
[UK]T. Rowlandson Pretty Little Games (1872) plate vi: Well mounted on a mettled steed, / Famed for his strength as well as speed, / Corinna and her favourite buck / Are pleased to have a flying f—k.
[UK]Man of Pleasure’s Illus. Pocket-book n.p.: [B]eing an old trooper herself, she under- takes the art of mounting, which she teaches with considerable success, and is rough-rider in her own establishment.
[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life (1966) I 46: I see now plainly enough that, boy as I was, she wanted me to mount her.
[UK]Lustful Memoirs of a Young and Passionated Girl 62: I placed myself on my back expecting him to mount me at once but he wished to examine the premises first.
[US](con. 1952) in Randolph & Legman Ozark Folksongs and Folklore (1992) II 644: If all the young ladies were mares in a stable, / And I were a groom mounting all I were able.
[Ire]J.B. Keane Letters of Irish Parish Priest 7: He administered a half-hearted slap to the girl’s bare buttocks – I recall what he said: ‘Get moving or get mounted, your posterior has me intoxicated’.
[US]P. Munro Sl. U.

In phrases

SE in slang uses

In phrases

mount the ladder (v.) [the ladder onto the gallows]

to be hanged.

[UK]S. Wesley Maggots 154: Who Mounts the Bridal Bed is madder / By far, than him that Mounts the Ladder. / What Man in’s Wits wo’n’t rather chuse / The Hempen, than the Marriage Noose?
[UK]C. Johnson Hist. of Highwaymen &c. 70: He mounted the Ladder with Good Grace.
[US]Matsell Vocabulum 49: ‘He mounted the ladder,’ he was hung.
[Aus]C. Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 43: Ladder, the gallows’ steps,‘he mounted the ladder,’ hanged.