Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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ass, see also under arse and its combs.
ass, n. 1. an unpleasant person, esp. a fool, an idiot; occas. of inanimate object (see cite 1930). 2.  the buttocks, the anus. 3.  (in a sexual context) the vagina; occas. the penis. 4.  used generically to mean one’s person, one’s body. 5.  sexual conquests; thus generic for a woman when viewed purely as a sex object. 6. sexual intercourse. 7.  of an object, the rear. 8. used adj. and dismissively, an unpleasant or disgusting individual or object. 9.  the last, and thus least potent, puff on a marijuana cigarette or pipe. 10.  mentality, character, personality. 11. essence, being. 12. the buttocks/anus as an object of male homosexual desire. 13. used dismissively, plus a qualifying n.
196 sub-entries
ass, v. to work as a prostitute.
1 sub-entry
ass, adv. completely.
-ass, sfx used to form generally negative (but increasingly positive too) adjs. and occas. nouns, e.g. bitch-ass adj.; candy-ass n.; dog-ass n.; drag-ass adj.
ragged-arsed, adj. 1. of people, disreputable, seedy, run-down. 2. of clothes, tattered. 3.  of things or places, worthless.
arse bandit, n. a homosexual male, also attrib., Aus prison use specifies a man who aggressively takes the penetrative role in anal sex (see cites 1971, 1972, 1990 [2]) .
1 sub-entry
arsed, adj. 1. bothered, concerned, e.g. I can’t be arsed to do it. 2. fed up.
1 sub-entry
arse-end, n. 1. the end, the rear end, the buttocks. 2. a very unappealing place, particularly one far away from ‘civilization’; esp. in phr. arse-end of the universe, arse-end of nowhere.
arsehole, adj. a general derisive or derog. adj.
arse lick, n. 1. an act of sycophancy. 2.  a toady, a sycophant, a groveller.
arse-lick, v. to toady, to be sycophantic.
3 sub-entries
arsey-varsey, phr. 1. upside down, topsy-turvy, back-to-front. 2. head-over-heels; usu. in phr. fall arsey-varsey, fall head-over-heels. 3. contrary, perverse, preposterous.
assdom (n.) stupidity as shown by a group of individuals.
under ass, n.
assways (adj.) 1. of sexual intercourse, from the rear. 2.  skew-whiff, back-to-front. 3. head-over-heels. 4. rear, as of a pocket.
under ass, n.
assy (adj.) 1.  malicious, sarcastic. 2.  insignificant, second-rate, unimportant. 3. having large or prominent buttocks.
under ass, n.
ass-backwards back-to-front; thus fig., in a mess, chaotic.
under ass, n.
ass-bad see bad-ass adj.
under ass, n.
ass deep 1. very deep; usu. in such phrs. as ass deep to a tall moose. 2. totally involved with, with an excessive amount of.
under ass, n.
ass-dragging run-down, worn out.
under ass, n.
ass-frontwards 1. head-over-heels. 2. back-to-front.
under ass, n.
ass-grabbing irritating.
under ass, n.
ass-high an unspecified measure of height; usu. as ass-high to a tall Indian.
under ass, n.
ass-ignorant extremely stupid.
under ass, n.
ass-out 1. at the end of one’s tether; beyond effort, without luck (cf. assed out adj. (2)). 2. straighforward, easy. 3. without money.
under ass, n.
ass-tight 1.  in fig. use, very efficient. 2. of friends, very intimate.
under ass, n.
ass-ugly very unattractive.
under ass, n.
ass upwards (adj.) upside-down, back-to-front.
under ass, n.
ass-bag (n.) a derog. term of abuse.
under ass, n.
ass bandit (n.) 1. a womanizer, a playboy. 2. see arse bandit n.
under ass, n.
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