Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The tongue combatants, or A sharp dispute between a comical couragious country grasier, and a London bull-feather'd butchers twitling, twatling, turbulent, thundering, tempestuous, terrifying, taunting, troublesome, talkative tongu’d wife choose

Quotation Text

[UK] The tongue combatants 5: Some little Town Baggage, who picks your Pocket, and sends you home with a Clap of a French faggot-stick.
at blow with a French faggot-stick, n.
[UK] Tongue Combatants 5: Some little Town Baggage, who picks your Pocket, and sends you home with a Clap of a French faggot-stick.
at blow with a French faggot-stick, n.
[UK] Tongue Combatants 7: Censorious Crack-brained Coxcomb.
at crack-brained (adj.) under crackbrain, n.
[UK] Tongue Combatants 10: While Country Gossips Oyl their Tongues with Ale, / Dull liquors serving for a homely tale; / We Citizens with Sack our pallets liquor.
at creature, the, n.
[UK] Tongue Combatants 17: What tho in Dancing I had Skill / ASnd well could Touch the Lute, / Those things converted are to ill / And made of Disrepute.
at dance, v.
[UK] The tongue combatants 4: [A]ccomodated with [...] some Cleane-pipes and a jordin.
at jordan, n.
[UK] Tongue Combatants 17: What tho in Dancing I had Skill / And well could Touch the Lute, / Those things converted are to ill / And made of Disrepute.
at lute, n.1
[UK] Tongue Combatants 17: Choyce Needle work and other Arts, / Attaind with care and cost. / My infamy commands those Parts / Must now be kept from Boast.
at needlework (n.) under needle, n.
[UK] The tongue combatants 5: Thew continual pattering of your lips.
at patter, v.
[UK] The tongue combatants 3: [A]ll your neighbours [...] wish the Feaver of your Red-rag were cured by the applying of a Razor.
at red rag, n.
[UK] The tongue combatants 5: In the mean time the good woman at home sits lamenting over a piece of Mouldy-bread, and a draught of Rotgut.
at rotgut, n.
[UK] Tongue Combatants 5: The good woman sits Lamenting over a piece of Mouldy-bread and a draught of Rotgut.
at rotgut, n.
[UK] The tongue combatants 4: [I]f he Dances long after your Pipe hee’l be Shopt in a Prison.
at shop, v.1
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