at Captain Grand (n.) under captain, n.
at catchy, adj.
at avuncular, adj.
at clever dick, n.
at lifer, n.
at finisher, n.
at fat ale (n.) under fat, adj.
at scuttle someone’s nob (v.) under scuttle, v.
at whistle-belly vengeance (n.) under whistle, n.
at all dicky with under dicky, adj.1
at Newgate hornpipe (n.) under Newgate, n.
at quisby, n.
at give someone the sack (v.) under sack, n.
at con, n.1
at tip-topper, n.
at carpet knight, n.
at obfuscated, adj.
at make a long arm (v.) under arm, n.
at chee-chee, adj.
at break out, v.
at whoa, Emma, phr.
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