at beat, v.
at blow up, v.1
at bounce, v.1
at bounce, n.1
at Chinee, n.
at cog, v.
at crack, n.1
at crack, n.1
at death on, adj.
at do, v.1
at dusting, n.1
at flunkydom (n.) under flunky, n.2
at flyer, n.3
at go (in) for the gloves (v.) under glove, n.
at good thing, n.
at grit, n.1
at get one’s gruel (v.) under gruel, n.
at hobble, n.
at in the hole (adj.) under hole, n.1
at kidding, n.
at land, v.
at tol-lollish, adv.
at long shot, n.1
at long, adj.
at nob, n.2
at nosender, n.
at old one, n.
at wipe out, v.
at pudding, n.
at punt, v.1
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