1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 6/3: Our readers [...] will not be compelled to keep a lamp buring [...] to avoid slumbering. We opine they can keep awake without it.at awake, adj.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 7/1: Prayers won’t save his foul bacon.at save one’s bacon (v.) under bacon, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 7/3: You are a pretty good baggage master, but ‘can’t keep a hotel’.at baggage-master (n.) under baggage, n.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 6/1: Peter C. Cunningham [...] has pawned his wig for rum, and is now rushing to his ruin bald-headed .at bald-headed, adv.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 6/3: The crowd of loafers that nightly congregate in front of Gilson’s ‘bean shop’.at bean shop (n.) under bean, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 29 Oct. 3/2: We wonder where Van Pelt, faro-bank pimp and snkeak [...] got his new clothes? Guess his ‘lofter’ must have ‘bilked’ a countryman.at bilk, v.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 29 Oct. 3/2: [O]ut of which city [i.e. Boston, MA] he was booted on account of his contemptibility.at boot, v.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 29 Oct. 3/1: While he had money he proved a ‘big card’ among the ‘boys’ about town.at boys, the, n.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 8/1: Avoid the broker in your time of need, / Or, (sure as shooting) you’ll get ‘broke’ indeed!at broke, adj.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 3/4: Deserving of the Lash [...] for refusing to pay hired bullies after employing them to fight for him.at bully, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 29 Oct. 3/1: While he had money he proved a ‘big card’ among the ’boys’ about town.at card, n.2
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 29 Oct. 3/2: [T]he tall, slim banjo tormentor.at tormentor of catgut, n.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 8/1: ‘Cent per cent!’ the thievish broker cries / As he steals the last from dead mean’s eyes!.at cent per cent, n.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 4/3: Will the Chief of Police give this boy-policeman a little ‘ chin music’ in regard to his duty.at chin music, n.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 29 Oct. 7/2: Joe [...] must abandon his habit of conveying she-cattle down into his den, or Joseph will be presented with a ‘coat of many colors’.at coat, v.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 5/2: This [a gambling loss] was a coffee-cooler for our hero, and how to get out of it, he knew not.at coffee-cooler (n.) under coffee, n.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 6/2: We do not see how they [i.e. shop girls] can swing such harness on the $3 per week they earn. Perhaps their lovers come down with the soap.at come down with (v.) under come down, v.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 7/3: Liza Haycraft, the ‘Queen of St. Louis,’ has built a splendid palace on Green street [...] The women are far the prettiest women ever exhibited in any ‘crib’ in the city.at crib, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 5/2: ‘Lady Gay Spanker,’ [...] will please send us another dose.at dose, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 6/3: A double-breasted doughnut fried in fat.at double-breasted (adj.) under double, adj.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 7/1: A big overgrown, double-breasted Dutchman [...] had attempted to ravish the person of a little girl.at double-breasted (adj.) under double, adj.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 7/1: We want to know if ‘Doughnut Perry’ [...] and other such fops are to go round taking advantage of weak-minded women? We understand that Mrs Cochrane intends to open a doughnut establishment in New York, if her lord gets rid of her.at doughnut, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 7/2: We have seen him under rather suspicious circumstances in [...] Cass srteey. Wonder if there are ‘doughnuts’ in that vicinity?at doughnut, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 6/1: Fan Lee, the she-dragon of a lake of lewdness [...] has secured the invaluable services of George Woods as pimp, pander, procurer, protector and principal personage of her pandemonium of pollution, piracy and plunder.at dragon, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 7/3: The clerk in [...] Weber’s music store had better let the servant girls alone. We think one of them is troubled with the ‘dropsy’ and if she don’t look out it will drop in her arms.at dropsy, n.2
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 3/4: Deserving of the Lash [...] Sentence — his coat to be dusted by ten stingers.at dust, v.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 8/3: Few people have ‘seen the elephant’ as he really appears in our large cities, divested of his gilded trappings.at see the elephant (v.) under elephant, n.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 5/3: I was assured that this particular ‘fakement’ [i.e. a chamber-pot used to hold paint] is an article of common use among scene painters in all the theatres.at fakement, n.
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 4/3: Pinkus [...] has kept a ‘fence,’ or in other words, a shop for receiving stolen property.at fence, n.1
1859 Wkly Varieties (Boston, MA) 3 Sept. 6/2: Is Jacob P. Plummer still a runner for the aquaria of aged fish kept by Mrs Sears.at fish, n.1