1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 44: [T]heir loud clothes and couldn’t-give-a-fuck manner.at give a fuck, v.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 119: The work party would [...] walk out to the vegie patch and piss around for three or four hours.at piss about, v.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 212: They’ve prepared a dossier which goes back to when Adam was a lad.at when Adam was an oakum boy (in Chatham) under Adam, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 45: Kevin had been working hot [...] and the cops were on Kevin’s hammer.at on someone’s hammer (and tack) under hammer and tack, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 32: ‘I’ll let you know when I want your smart-arsery’.at smart-assery (n.) under smart-arse, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 58: I became a kind of half-arsed private eye.at half-assed, adj.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 105: I called out. Someone said, ‘Go bag your head’.at bag your head! (excl.) under bag, v.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 233: ‘If I say I want you to be bagman, you’ill fucking do it’.at bagman, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 65: O’Keefe [...] grinding his teeth, half mad on yippee beans.at yippee bean, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 233: ‘Ray Kelly would have [...] flogged the bejesus out of you’.at bejazus, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 28: [H]e put the bite on me for five quid.at put the bite on (v.) under bite, n.1
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 149: He as theoretically biteable for virtually any amount.at bite, v.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 65: They’re our blowers. They sell advertising space [in a magazine].at blower, n.2
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 155: Charles [...] tried to teach me the ins and outs of bludging.at bludge, v.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 201: I styill had The Wonder Book of Australiana, but now it was redundant. I knew that bludger inside out.at bludger, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 67: [S]inging a version of ‘On Top of Old Smoky’ with blue lyrics.at blue, adj.3
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 141: ‘I see in the paper a bloke did a bolt from there’.at do a bolt (v.) under bolt, n.1
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 67: I killed time boning up on Australiana.at bone, v.3
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 110: The breadvan would take us out to Long Bay Jail.at bread van (n.) under bread, n.1
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 231: [He] had his own nervous breakdown [...] After two weeks at the bug farm he took off.at bug farm (n.) under bug, n.4
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 92: ‘How are you, Joe?’ ‘Fit as a Mallee’.at fit as a mallee bull (adj.) under Mallee bull, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 46: ‘I’m worried that he’ll give me the bum’s rush’.at bum’s rush, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 32: [R]umours to the effect that Waters had bundied with the gear.at bundy, v.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 22: ‘He’d be of the Jewish faith? [...] your four-by-two tends to be skilled at this sort of thing’.at four by two, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 94: ‘Every other starter in the race would have to die for that camel to win’.at camel, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 168: Michael’s as camp as a row of tents.at camp as a row of tents (adj.) under camp, adj.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 25: Calling All Hepcats! / Learn to play the ELECTRIC guitar in just 6 easy lessons.at hep-cat, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 172: ‘You going to throw me a charity fuck?’ ‘Would that be so bad?’.at charity fuck (n.) under charity, n.
1998 P. Doyle (con. late 1950s) Amaze Your Friends (2019) 69: The arrived [...] with a new Chrolet. We transferred the gear into the Chev.at Chevvy, n.