1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] All that had happened was that someone had ballocksed up the hook.at ballocks (up), v.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] ‘Tell silly ballocks to put it [i.e. a jacket] on himself’.at ballocks, n.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] ‘Have you ever noticed the way everybody bulls up for a scene like the Board [of Magistrates]?’.at bull, n.6
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] Reece staring at them shit-scared and yet burbling on to me as though nothing was happening.at burble, v.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] I look the business when I shape up, hard eyes and everything, it’s one of my best effects.at business, n.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] ‘Oh, that’s lovely, Wally,’ I chivvied. ‘And we’ll all end up with another five [i.e. years in prison] apiece’.at chivvy, v.1
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] ‘That’s why they [i.e. the police] only clobbered you on the one operation’.at clobber, v.2
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] ‘It may be standard practice for you and the rest of the fucking cons in the place but you can leave me out of it’.at con, n.1
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] [I] whirled round quick as if I was going to cop for him.at cop for, v.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] ‘What’s he got a riot stick for, then? You’re going to cosh us up, you bastards’.at cosh, v.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] He’d once seen Terry do his pieces on an old billiard hall cowboy called Harold Pearson.at cowboy, n.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] The only person who’d cracked on to my being in the doorway was Terry Beckley.at crack on, v.2
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] [T]he fact that anybody on a doddle like this could forget the most important piece of equipment transformed the adrenalin pumping through the rest of us into hysterics.at doddle, n.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] A nickful of them [i.e. criminals] and no one had doddled.at doddle, v.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] ‘I don’t want to have to go back behind my door because of that filth’.at behind the door under door, n.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] [H]e thought I might screw up anything for him by doing a fast moonlight.at moonlight flit, n.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] I’d got his form from a mate of mine while I’d been outside.at form, n.1
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] [A]ll the [...] cons were up at their windows, shouting encouragement at us but it didn’t raise our game.at raise one’s game (v.) under game, n.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] The hair; black, jet black, a bit gyppo, especially with the style, too-long Tony Curtis, greased inches thick.at gyppo, adj.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] If he’d been better hung he’d have given them a demonstration [of urinating].at hung, adj.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] [of a prison sentence] ‘I reckon if we’d knocked off Franklin [...] I don’t think I’d have got my card marked anything like as big.at mark someone’s card (v.) under mark, v.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] Copley is on the verge of fetching me one.at give someone one (v.) under one, n.1
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] ‘What about the lads down on the Twos?’ said Ray. ‘Are they in?’ The Twos were well pleased it wasn’t on their plate. You could tell.at ones, n.2
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] I’d got his form from a mate of mine while I’d been outside.at outside, n.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] Gordon Harris poncing along behind holding the hook, looking like a spare prick at a wedding.at ponce about (v.) under ponce, v.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] [H]is number two, a man called Jackie Smails, had started pumping up Ray’s wife every Wednesday afternoon [...] Come home, had his dinner, watched TV, taken Audrey upstairs and given her the usual pumping up.at pump, v.
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] Everyone began to look shitty and there was no doubt about it, the whole scene was very embarrassing.at shitty, adj.1
1973 T. Lewis Billy Rags [ebook] I acted a bit spare as though I hadn’t understood very much of what he’d said.at spare, adj.