at put the bump on (v.) under bump, n.1
at chop, v.2
at colored people’s time, n.
at cool, adj.
at dead time (n.) under dead, adj.
at dead time (n.) under dead, adj.
at duker, n.2
at when the eagle shits (n.) under eagle, n.2
at run (a) game on (v.) under game, n.
at gig, v.5
at goof, v.
at get down to the nitty-gritty (v.) under nitty-gritty, n.
at hang, v.3
at hustle, n.
at make it, v.
at jivey (adj.) under jive, adj.
at on the job under job, n.2
at kickout, n.
at lay dead (v.) under lay, v.1
at mother’s day (n.) under mother, n.
at hold one’s mud (v.) under mud, n.
at natural, n.
at rip off, v.
at on, prep.
at pluck, n.2
at not ready (adj.) under ready, adj.
at set, n.1
at set, n.1
at soul session (n.) under soul, adj.1
at street, adj.
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