at do a 180 (v.) under 180, n.
at have one’s act together (v.) under act, n.
at air, v.
at fat is in the fire, (all) the, phr.
at nuts and bolts, n.
at tear someone’s ass(hole), v.
at Katy bar the door, phr.
at blister, v.
at bulldog, adj.
at cash in, v.
at Chinese fire drill (n.) under Chinese, adj.
at -city, sfx
at cold turkey, adv.
at comp, n.
at cooking, adj.1
at crushed, n.
at dirty-water dog (n.) under dirty, adj.
at down time (v.) under down time, n.
at dump on, v.1
at goose egg, n.
at elbows and assholes (adj.) under elbow, n.1
at fuck no! (excl.) under fuck!, excl.
at game face (n.) under game, n.
at goose, v.3
at grinder, n.1
at gut, adj.
at hell of a, a under hell, n.
at out of here, phr.
at hoot, n.4
at hot, adj.
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