2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 47: We were aced out of the gig by another local band that featured an 11-year-old drummer.at ace out (v.) under ace, v.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 57: Our big gig was turning out to be an ass-busting, anticlimactic farce.at ass-busting, adj.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 248: My British road crew requested a wall of Marshall amps [...] I think the wall of amps was considered gauche by the punkerati.at -ati, sfx
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 278: [W]hen we hit the stage, I was blown away by the response.at blow (someone) away, v.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 167: He was fresh out of Terre Haute federal prison on a stolen car beef.at beef, n.2
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 18: A few bucks in the hands of a nine-year-old was a fortune, and made me a big man out on the street.at big man (n.) under big, adj.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 72: Understandably pissed off, people hanging out on the street started pitching a bitch.at pitch a/the bitch (v.) under bitch, n.1
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 162: [W]e had a blowout party at my apartment for Tim Shafe’s birthday. The drugs and booze flowed and flowed.at blow-out, n.1
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 229: [T]hese bands [...] had the look or moves of the MC5, but the MC5 could have eaten them for breakfast.at have someone for breakfast (v.) under breakfast, n.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 3: Police reinforcements arrived and started bum-rushing everyone off of Belle Isle.at bumrush, v.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 129: The dope was sold in three-penny caps, which were small capsules of ‘mixed-jive’ dope: heroin cut with quinine to improve the rush.at cap, n.4
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 170: [S]ince we knew Tony and his partner Joe so well and trusted them, it would be cool to do this deal at my new apartment.at cool, adj.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 31: I wasn’t interested in any of that old cornball stuff [i.e. musical standards]; I wanted to play rock & roll.at cornball, adj.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 120: With his back to us, he began speaking on the phone in French. Fred and I stood there with our dicks in our hands.at have one’s dick in one’s hand (v.) under dick, n.1
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 52: [A] gang of guys would jump out and just throw down on you with fists and feet flying.at throw down, v.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 126: Normally this would have generated a strong-arm response, but I was so happy with our performance that I dropped it.at drop, v.1
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 145: Eve couldn’t pay the rent [...] We began floating to various friends’ places.at float, v.1
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 128: Which isn’t to say there was no funky behavior going on. My drug use remained a problem.at funky, adj.2
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 33: [M]y relationship with Herschel [i.e. the narrator’s stepfather] couldn’t have been worse. I loathed him, and he didn’t get me at all.at get, v.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 114: [N]ow with so much at stake, we weren’t grooving on what we were hearing.at groove on (v.) under groove, v.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 80: John had the ability to articulate feelings that I only knew on a gut level.at gut, adj.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 37: Bob had radical ideas about life and God, art, science, history, and culture. He was the first person I’d met that had a handle on this stuf.at get a handle (v.) under handle, n.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 92: That night, the excitement in the Grande was through the roof. It was all happening for the MC5.at happening, adj.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 59: I had underappreciated his skills on the drums. He was a rock-steady backbeat hitter with great timing, feel, and energy.at hitter, n.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 241: I started calling everybody I knew in town to set up meetings. I worked the Detroit homeboy network.at homeboy, n.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 129: The dope was sold in three-penny caps, which were small capsules of ‘mixed-jive’ dope: heroin cut with quinine to improve the rush.at mixed-jive, n.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 191: We were both [in prison] because of major league bad behavior.at major-league, adj.
2018 W. Kramer Hard Stuff 45: Gerry and the Pacemakers and Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas were lightweight.at lightweight, adj.