1912 Mail (Adelaide) 3 Aug. 2: Mr O’Malley’s muckworm oratory is calculated to lead to his destruction.at muck-worm, n.
1914 Mail )Adelaide) 18 July 9/1: The everyday rectangular crops which go to form the landscape in cockydom.at cockydom (n.) under cocky, n.2
1919 Mail (Adelaide) 19 July 8/5: On Thursday night [...] a number of young people arranged a ‘Yankee Shout’ dinner party at the Grand Central Hotel.at Yankee shout (n.) under yankee, n.1
1921 Mail (Adelaide) 29 Oct. 11/6: We may attain the ideal by using only stock that will improve those three-cornered cattle and scrubby horses.at three-cornered (adj.) under three, adj.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: A few of the ways that clothes are referred to:— Collar— [...] Half a dollar.at half-a-dollar, n.1
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: This is how a class of rhyming ‘slangsters’ [...] discourse on anatomy:— Neck— Bushel and peck.at bushel (and peck), n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: This is how a class of rhyming ‘slangsters’ [...] discourse on anatomy:— Legs— [...] ham and eggs.at ham and eggs, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: This is how a class of rhyming ‘slangsters’ [...] discourse on anatomy:— Mouth— North and South.at north (and south), n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: I’m goin’ up the frog and toad (road) for a misbeheave (shave).at frog (and toad), n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: I’m goin’ to the Sydney Harbour (barber) and I’ll be back in soda and lime (time) for Deacon Skinner (dinner).at soda and lime, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: A hat is sometimes designated ‘barrel of fat,’ or just ‘barrel’.at barrel of fat, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/5: If small boys, and their elder brothers too, desire to bestow praise upon some idol of the playing fields they shout a raucous query at the sky. ‘Is he any good?’ they ask of nobody in particular. It is their way of saying he’s a ‘bonza’.at bonzer, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: I’m goin’ to the Sydney Harbour (barber) and I’ll be back in soda and lime (time) for Deacon Skinner (dinner).at Deacon Skinner, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: A few of the ways that clothes are referred to:— Shirt— Dicky dirt.at dicky (dirt), n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: If it begins to rain the small boy will chirp, ‘Hullo! Here comes the Edgar Mayne’.at Edgar Mayne, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: ‘s he any good?’ is rather tame. Nowadays it is [...] ‘Georgie Wood?’ The professors of this weird (s)language omit the last word [...] ‘Is he any Georgie?’.at wee georgie (wood), adj.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: I’m goin’ to the Sydney Harbour (barber) and I’ll be back in soda and lime (time) for Deacon Skinner (dinner).at Sydney Harbour, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 9 Aug. 17/3: Did you ever stop to think of the man who makes the magician’s trick box, his false bottom trunk, or the plug hat out of which he pulls a plant in full bloom?at plug-hat, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: A few of the ways that clothes are referred to:— Trousers— Round the houses.at round me houses, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: This is how a class of rhyming ‘slangsters’ [...] discourse on anatomy:— Nose— I suppose.at I suppose, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: This is how a class of rhyming ‘slangsters’ [...] discourse on anatomy:— Fingers— Onkaparingas or jolly jingoes.at jolly jingoes, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: If it begins to rain [it is] the King of Spain.at king of Spain, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: I’m goin’ up the frog and toad (road) for a misbehave (shave).at misbehave, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: This is how a class of rhyming ‘slangsters’ [...] discourse on anatomy:— Head— Uncle Ned.at Uncle Ned, n.1
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: I’m givin’ yer the Believer Moyle (oil) that I’m goin’ to the Sydney Harbour (barber)’.at oil, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: This is how a class of rhyming ‘slangsters’ [...] discourse on anatomy:— Fingers— Onkaparingas or jolly jingoes.at onka, n.
1924 Mail (Adelaide) 16 Feb. 1/4: A few of the ways that clothes are referred to:— Collar— Oxford scholar.at Oxford (scholar), n.