1924 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 15 Nov. 13/8: Laughs and gestures soon betrayed their owners [i.e. of disguises]. Mr Clifton Blue, as a mysterious Chinese, remained so for a hot minute.at hot minute (n.) under hot, adj.
1929 Pittsburgh Courier 8 Mar. n.p.: This number [of 500 ‘colored cabarets’] is topped by statistics on the apartment speakeasies. Called ‘buffet flats,’ there is an average of two such joints for every apartment building.at buffet (flat), n.
1931 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 27 June 13/5: Snuffy rerturned. He was trembling and agitated. He got some whiskey.at snuffy, adj.
1932 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 27 Aug. 17/4: Ulma Banks [...] had the oride to resent an insult from an oorey-eyed soda jerker from the Savoy.at ory-eyed, adj.
1934 Pittsburgh Courier 27 Jan. 13/7: That sensually mad crowd, packed like boozeheads in a cell in jail.at booze-head (n.) under booze, n.
1934 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 10 Nov. 6/7: [headline] ‘Mayor of Bronzeville’ Inauguration Proves To Be Gala Occasion.at Bronzeville (n.) under bronze, n.2
1934 Pittsburgh Courier 10 Nov. 6/7: [headline] ‘Mayor of Bronzeville’s’ Inauguration proves to be Gala Occasion.at Bronzeville, n.
1936 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 8 Aug. 19/3: Beat your crumb crushers on this: [etc].at crumb-crusher (n.) under crumb, n.1
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 12 Mar. 11/1: The WPA publicity man [...] threatening to pull a Joe Louis on a visiting guest.at pull a..., v.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 26 Feb. 11/1: Marshall Miles, Della’s big butter and milk man from Buffalo.at butter-and-egg man, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 30 July 11/1: I will be glad when we cut into the Apple so you and I can get together.at Apple, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 26 Feb. 11/1: Tommy Brookins, who is serving thirty days in a European ballyhatch, will be deported when his time is up.at ballyhatch, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 30 July 11/1: I will be glad when we cut into the Apple so you and I can get together and have a real old-fashioned gum-beat.at gum beat, v.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 27 Aug. 11/1: You stache your frame back to the P.A. and beef to the gang that the ‘Dark Eagle’ is in port.at beef, v.1
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 27 Aug. 11/1: Every time the idea cut through your conk-piece it gave you the creeps in your benders.at bender, n.1
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 28 May 11/1: The line about the Cab Calloways three-ing seen in this corner first can be considered Bible.at bible, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 23 July 11/1: [C]oppin’ his fine lung life in the early black.at early black (n.) under black, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 12 Feb. 11/7: Laura Holland is making the rounds [...] with a well-known bandleader whose wife would pitch a boogie-woogie if she only knew.at pitch a boogie-woogie (v.) under boogie-woogie, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 27 Aug. 11/1: The real sender came when he booted ‘After You’re Gone,’ that sent the jitterbugs.at boot, v.3
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 10 Dec. 11/1: Hugues Panassie, the French critic who thinks that racial hatred is so much bosh.at bosh, n.1
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 23 July 11/1: The Bernie Wagner new suit creations are killer dillers.There’s not a bringdown in a whole cartload of ’em.at bringdown, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 30 July 11/1: Jack, they just laid the buzzer on me so I must nix this scribe.at buzzer, n.3
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 9 Apr. 11/1: It’s population is worshipping at the swing shrine [and] way down under [Boston’s] hoity-toity exterior there’s more than just a bit of ‘Cat’.at cat, n.5
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 30 July 11/1: We trekked here to the Motor City [...] for seven brights in this fine gray auditorium.at Motor City, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 22 Oct. 11/1: Stump and Stumpie are holding forth in the Quaker City after cancelling their European tour.at Quaker City, n.
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 6 Aug. 11/1: Jack, your spiel was a conk buster and I don’t mean perhaps.at conk-buster (n.) under conk, n.1
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 27 Aug. 11/1: Every time the idea cut through your conk-piece it gave you the creeps in your benders.at conkpiece (n.) under conk, n.1
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 23 July 11/2: We leave you here to creep into our domicile [...] and bust our conks in slumberland.at bust one’s conk (v.) under conk, n.1
1938 Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 23 July 11/1: Leonard Harper’s present local review cut anything’s he’s done in many moons.at cut, v.5