at cheese, n.2
at poonce, n.
at concertina, n.2
at sure cop (n.) under cop, n.2
at crack, v.2
at fence, n.1
at lurk, n.
at nark the lurk (v.) under nark, v.1
at Track, the, n.
at block, n.5
at crust, v.
at fair dinkum, adj.
at fair dinkum, adv.
at pogue, n.2
at red, n.
at smack up, v.
at scrub cockie (n.) under scrub, n.2
at shove, v.
at sprig, n.2
at shandygaff, n.
at wag, v.
at gippy, adj.
at jildi, n.
at stiffen the lizards! (excl.) under stiffen, v.1
at wayback, n.
at cold footer (n.) under cold, adj.
at have someone on, v.2
at neversweat (n.) under sweat, v.2
at dope, n.1
at Murrumbidgee whaler (n.) under Murrumbidgee, n.
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