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Salt Lake Herald choose

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[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 6 Nov. 4/4: Officer Brown [...] presenting his ‘bull dog’, ordered the man to throw up his ‘bread hooks’.
at bread hooks (n.) under bread, n.1
[US] Salt Lake City Herald 13 Nov. 4/4: ‘List of names compiled for the Merchants’ Association of St Louis’ [...] the ‘Dead-beat book’ [...] How lacerating [...] must it be for the feelings of a sensitive man to have the world know that he owes for his grandmother’s coffin! But the Dead-beat Book spares no feelings.
at deadbeat, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald 14 Aug. 8/3: Pools were sold on ‘Midnight’ at 200 and ‘Ford’ 90, sure-thing men investing liberally at the long end.
at long end (n.) under end, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 29 Nov. 4/1: The ex-congressional greenbacker the swell-head Rev. De La Martyr.
at swell-headed, adj.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 14 Sept. 2/2: At the Omaha National; Bank may be seen a $20 bill executed entirely with a pen by some expert penman and forger.
at penman (n.) under pen, n.1
[US] Salt Lake Herald 14 Aug. 8/3: Pools were sold on ‘Midnight’ at 200 and ‘Ford’ 90, sure-thing men investing liberally at the long end.
at sure-thing, adj.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 13 Aug. 5/3: The best of all the pill-box crew [...] Are the doctors who have most to do / With the health of a hearty man.
at pill-box, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 19 Nov. 4/3: The horny-fisted old chicken tracks of farmer Jones when placed at the business end of a cheque.
at chicken tracks (n.) under chicken, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 23 Mar. 4/2: It is hoped the present strike will not develop the properties of the Silver Reef affair, for as surely as it does the workmen will come out of the ‘little end of the horn’.
at little end of the horn (n.) under little, adj.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 14 June 1/3: Rosecranz is ‘off his nut’ about the Ocean Shore Railroad; he is befogged and befooled.
at off one’s nut (adj.) under nut, n.1
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 3 Sept. 8/2: L.D. Ross, ticket scalper, was arrested yesterday for selling railroad tickets.
at scalper (n.) under scalp, v.1
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 20 Apr. 4/2: Irwin [...] is not afected by that most offesnive malady [...] vulgarly termed the ‘bighead’.
at big head, n.1
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 9 Dec. 4/5: I’m sorry I’m such a doughhead.
at dough-head (n.) under dough, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 22 Mar. 4/1: Thesr rumors look very much like Irish hints, which Mr Folger ought to take in that light.
at Irish hint (n.) under Irish, adj.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 19 Apr. 8/3: Queen Victoria has lost her favorite [...] John Brown, could she do better than command [...] in his place, a genuine Patlander?
at Patlander (n.) under Pat, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 23 Nov. 8/2: Some of the books are very useful, but in nine cases out of ten, the people buying them have had to pay ‘too much for their whistle’.
at pay (too much) for one’s whistle (v.) under pay, v.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 8 Feb. 2/2: Murray was a bag of wind, a blusterer who simply made noise but achived nothing.
at bag of wind (n.) under bag, n.1
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 20 July 10/3: The dear old girl is footing up / My weekly hashery bill.
at hash-house, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 26 Jan. 2/1: This swell-head Governor.
at swell-headed, adj.
[US] Salt lake Herald (UT) 26 Apr. 7/2: What a powerful lot of blithering idiots this future race would be to entertain such a notion.
at blithering, adj.
[US] Salt lake Herald (UT) 14 June 6/3: Men and women, with the week’s earnings in their pockets [...] before they are thoroughly liquored up will invest two or three shillings.
at liquored (up), adj.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 5 Dec. 7/1: I raised a plant last week and sold it as a valuable specimen.
at plant, n.
[US] Salt lake Herald (UT) 5 June 7/2: Garside [...] landed a few mosquito killers on Pierce’s bread basket and potato trap.
at potato-trap (n.) under potato, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 5 Dec. 7/1: [caption] A Resurrectionist Lifts a Body from the Grave.
at resurrectionist (n.) under resurrection, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 1 Dec. 1/5: A Big Ditch. The Atlantic and Mexican Gulf Canal Company.
at big ditch (n.) under big, adj.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 24 Oct. 8/2: It is understood that the brakeman has received an Irish promotion.
at Irish promotion (n.) under Irish, adj.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 23 Feb. 7/2: He will have it thrown into his teeth that he is a Jack Mormon.
at jack Mormon, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 19 Mar. 5/2: We decline to believe he made us of the expressions attributed to him by the noodle-headed scribe.
at noodlehead (n.) under noodle, n.1
[US] Salt Lake Herald (UT) 18 Nov. 4/2: Some of our greatest Presidents have come from the humbler classes [...] the rail-splitter Grant.
at railsplitter, n.
[US] Salt Lake Herald 25 Apr. 6: An Ohio editor vaguely says an exchange has enlarged avout ‘about umpty-ump inches’.
at umpty, adj.
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