1881 University (U. Michigan) 12 Mar. 7/1: In his conceit he [‘the hobbledehoy’] often considers himself a masher among the ladies, but O, how green!at masher, n.
1908 Univ. Missourian (Columbia, MO) 25 Sept. 1/2: You, pop-eyed, lop-eared, slab-sided, hollow-headed, flea-bitten, hatchet-faced, chisel-chinned, fungus-grown simpleton.at chisel-chin (n.) under chisel, n.
1908 University Missourian (MO) 7 Oct. 1/2: Reduced to a disreoputable hat, flannel shirt, one pair of pants - not trousers - [...] in accordance with the scissorbills who thrive in this community.at scissorbill, n.
1909 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 18 Sept. 4/2: Chinese Reporter Exposes ‘Hop Alley’ [...] Opium orgies in St Louis Chinatown.at hop, n.3
1909 Univ. Missourian (Columbia, MO) 15 Oct. 4/3: ‘Hoorah Sale’ Is Proving a Big Success.at hurrah, adj.
1910 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 6 Sept. 2/2: Height in women has nothing to do wioth beauty[...] I don’t care for the fussy type of showgirl — the tall, cold clotheshorse.at clotheshorse, n.
1910 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 26 Aug. 4/5: ‘Pa, what’s a jeu-d’esprit?’ ‘Som thing that most people think they are saying when they exclaim "Judas Priest!"’.at Judas Priest!, excl.
1910 University Missourian (MO) 6 Jan. 3/3: He does not envy North carolina her ‘Tarheel’ [...] and the Missouri ‘Puke’ he abominates.at puke, n.1
1911 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 7 Nov. 2/1: Some rustic Rufus may have thus deserted his plow [...] in a fit of despondency.at rufus, n.
1912 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 1 Oct. 4/5: There will be a ‘Dutch’ supper next Saturday evening [...] Freshmen and all new girls are to be guests and ‘old girls’ are to ‘go Dutch’ paying twenty-five cents each.at go Dutch (v.) under Dutch, adj.1
1912 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 11 Nov. 2/2: Columbia begins in the north with nigger town and ends with the University in the south.at niggertown, n.
1912 Univ. Missourian (Columbia, MO) 11 Apr. 5/3: Poore was not piffed, but she used the wrong end of the bat.at piffed, adj.
1913 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 13 Oct. 3/4: A cotton-headed lawyes speaks to his friend, a shrimp journalist. ‘Hi you shrimp journalist’ [...] ‘Hello, yourself, you little cotton-headed freshman lawyer’.at cotton-headed, adj.
1913 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 3 June 10/3: I was deeply [...] chagrined by the low stuff that the St Looie Sympathy band handed out.at St Loo, n.
1914 Univ. Missourian (Columbia, MO) 22 Nov. 3/2: When you see him down in old K.C. [...] He’s a perfect gent in Kansas City.at K.C., n.
1915 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 14 June n.p.: Hundreds of thousands of people walked, ‘jitneyed,’ motored in their own cars.at jitney, v.
1916 Univ. Missourian (Columbia, MO) 30 Jan. 3/2: I drops into a little ‘ham-and’ joint last night and tries to get a steak.at ham-and joint (n.) under ham, n.1
1916 University Missourian (Columbia, MO) 16 Mar. 5/2: I only wish I had as much in my noggin as St patrick must have had in his.at noggin, n.1