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[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 134: She even did the deed for Haney’s kid brother, who ain’t never had any.
at any, n.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 13: Hey, Fatboy? How much you weigh, Fat-ass?
at fat-arse, n.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 26: The ass end of a salami dying in a puddle of its own grease.
at arse-end, n.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 28: ‘Wall, kiss ma ass!’ said Haskins. ‘Cross, ya mutha, what’s yo pleasure?’.
at kiss my arse!, excl.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 250: Coming out here after it’s all over is candy-ass.
at candy-ass, adj.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 20: That’s why I got the ass at Surtees, ’cause that spook just took his sweet fucken time callin’ them in.
at get (the) ass (v.) under ass, the, n.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 329: Stoned or sober or ass-whipped tired, he knew the tracks and the killing and the staying alive.
at ass-whipped, adv.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 257: If you don’t like the way I eat, blow it out yer ass.
at blow it out your ass!, excl.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 130: Quinn and Dewey and I [...] bad-assed our way from Dau Tieng to Tay Ninh and back for many a day.
at bad ass, v.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 153: We was a little smoked and grab-assed and poked around and fucked around.
at grab-ass, v.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 191: She would do anything for a fiver [...] ass-fuck, titty-fuck, lick your asshole.
at assfuck, v.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 318: Let’s go, I’m god-awful tired from the trip, let’s go.
at God-awful, adv.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 136: It [i.e. a car] could tear through the Kentucky countryside like a stripped-ass [sic] ape.
at like a blue-arsed baboon (adv.) under baboon, n.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 148: This bald-headed, wrinkle-necked, full bird colonel from the Officer’s Candidate School.
at bird colonel (n.) under bird, n.1
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 35: Claymore Face [...] looked like she’d been around the block a couple of times herself.
at go around the block (v.) under block, n.8
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 266: Has this dude ever got shit for brains.
at shit for brains, phr.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 139: What’ll ya have, bub?
at bub, n.3
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 250: A young buck like you [...] They’ll probably whip the Pew-litz-er fucken Prize on your ass.
at buck, n.1
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 269: People been pounding that buddy-buddy shit up my ass half a my life.
at buddy-buddy, adj.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 81: They pawed the guns and buddy-buddied with us, with their hands and arms around our shoulders.
at buddy-buddy, v.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 304: He was supposed to be on that Bravo Company [...] ambush, but was bumped by some poor dude who had to do it for punishment.
at bump, v.1
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 21: That kid bustin’ jungle in the lead tank was busting some bad jungle too.
at bust, v.1
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 34: The pay’s the same whether I’m out here getting laid or [...] busting my ass stripping down the seven-six.
at bust one’s ass (v.) under bust, v.1
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 123: A bunch of housecatting ARVNs [...] who quacked and cackled and yammered and wouldn’t shut up the whole trip.
at cackle, v.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 136: It had four-on-the-floor and a V-8 with a four-barrel carb.
at carb, n.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 169: Listen, you shine, we ’bout carved up one jungle bunny t’night.
at carve up, v.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 66: She hooked the church key over the top of each bottle and with a sharp rap of her hand [...] opened the bottles.
at church key (n.) under church, n.3
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 101: Which one a you motherfuckers got the goddamn grease gun? [...] Come on, which one a you liberated that cocksucker.
at cocksucker, n.
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 240: Some tried to laugh and make light cracks, but the wounded sat stoically.
at crack, n.1
[US] L. Heinemann Close Quarters (1987) 93: We cranked by Charlie Papa Alpha, a beat-up looking, falling-down Esso gas station.
at crank, v.
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