at all in, adj.
at all in, adj.
at give someone a song and dance (v.) under song and dance, n.1
at up the ante (v.) under ante, n.
at dicky-bird, n.1
at blarney, v.
at blockhead, n.1
at broiler, n.
at on a/the bum under bum, n.3
at go bust (v.) under bust, adj.
at cabbage, n.2
at call the turn (v.) under call, v.
at cheese it!, excl.
at chuck, n.3
at clay-eater (n.) under clay, n.
at clinch, n.
at clodhopper, n.
at take it cool (v.) under cool, adv.
at fly cop, n.
at cow-puncher, n.
at damn, adv.
at dandy, adj.
at darned, adv.
at crook the elbow (v.) under elbow, n.1
at red-eye, n.
at fireworks, n.
at fizz, n.1
at high-flyer, n.
at gad, n.1
at old gal, n.
at gasbag, n.
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