Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 30: He asked why a bigshot congressman’s office should give a rat’s ass about who hangs out at a nudie joint.
at not give a rat’s ass, v.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 110: The judge says I’m an unfit mother. How ’bout them apples?
at how do you like them apples?, phr.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 138: She got herself tangled in a blackmail [...] the idea was to put the arm on the congressman.
at put the arm on (v.) under arm, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 137: Garcia said his official title was Executive Assistant [...] ‘Bagman too, according to the rumors.’.
at bagman, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 6: ‘No fucking way,’ said the bagman.
at bagman, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 151: He popped three more beauties, and stepped on the pedal.
at beauty, n.2
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 121: [to a man] Blondie, lemme ’splain de facts o’ life.
at blondie, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 133: I don’t want to hear boo about it.
at boo, n.7
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 5: Some skinny jerk-off with Coke-bottle glasses.
at coke bottle glasses, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 181: The lawyer braced Dilbeck with a copy of the picture.
at brace, v.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 135: Hey, chico, we’re in the middle of a recession.
at chico, n.2
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 127: Crandall gazed at the coldcocked candidate.
at cold-cock, v.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 65: Rojo was getting creamed, and Crandall wasn’t surprised.
at get creamed (v.) under cream, v.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 27: He [...] sits at the back and doodles with himself while I’m dancing.
at doodle, v.2
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 115: As for her Social Security flimflam, that was a federal crime.
at flim-flam, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 86: They knew all about [...] gunshots, accidentals and naturals. And floaters, of course.
at floater, n.1
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 98: Dilbeck and Rojo drank a toast to the greasy little ratfucker.
at rat fucker, n.2
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 18: His face is maybe twelve inches from Sabrina’s fur pie.
at fur pie (n.) under fur, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 65: The female [...] was his life’s passion, graft being a close second.
at graft, n.1
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 77: Don’t be fooled, Erin. I can play hardball.
at play hardball (v.) under hardball, n.1
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 41: Beat the living Jesus out of that schmo in the dance club.
at beat the (living) Jesus out of (v.) under Jesus, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 63: Who is this jizzbag judge?
at jizzbag (n.) under jism, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 109: Darrell Grant laughed, high-pitched and juiced by speed.
at juiced, adj.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 173: Damn, you must be tapped.
at tapped-out, adj.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 14: In his pickled condition, it was miraculous that Dilbert had found his way back to his own desk.
at pickled, adj.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 15: Darrell Grant was a pillhead, a convict and a dealer in stolen wheelchairs.
at pillhead (n.) under pill, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 181: ‘He screwed up your roach case.’ ‘Royal.’.
at royal, adv.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 38: His first task was ratting out three of his scumdog thief friends.
at scumdog (adj.) under scum, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 122: The more participants in Mordecai’s shakedown enterprise, the smaller everyone’s cut.
at shakedown, n.
[US] C. Hiaasen Strip Tease 135: A common shitbird felon.
at shitbird, adj.
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