Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 54: The whole towne was assembled, tagge & ragge, cutte and long tayle.
at rag, tag and bobtail, n.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 48: They that make more haste then good speede clincke there bummes to the stones. And therefore the ruder sorte [...] commonly term it, not so homely, as truely, kisse arse lane.
at kiss-ass, adj.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 48: They that make more haste then good speede clincke there bummes to the stones.
at bum, n.1
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 7: The golden Poet set foorth the ougly dandeprat in his coulours.
at dandiprat, n.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 41: Giue the simplest man that resorted to his house Tom drum entertaynement, which is, to hale a man in by the heade and thrust him out by both shoulders.
at Jack Drum’s entertainment, n.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 54: The townes men being pincht at the heart, that one rascall in such scornefull wyse should giue them the flampame.
at flam, v.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 293: He would punish him as a pikethank makebate.
at make-bate (n.) under make, v.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 7: He was so crost in the nycke of thys determination, that his historie in mitching wyse wandred through sundry hands.
at mitch, v.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 15: But if I may craue your patience, to tyme you see me shoote my bolt.
at shoot one’s bolt (v.) under shoot, v.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 41: Some of his friendes, that were snudging pennyfathers, woulde take him vp verye roughly, for his lauishing and his outragious expenses.
at snudge, n.
[UK] Holinshed Irish Chronicle 38: A nagge or the hackney is very good for traueiling [...] And if he be broken accordingly you shall haue a little titte that will traueyle a whole daie without any bayt.
at tit, n.1
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