at drunk as (a)..., adj.
at beat, v.
at beat about the bush (v.) under beat, v.
at blessed, adj.
at blow!, excl.1
at bolt, v.
at break, v.4
at buggins, n.
at bulge, n.
at bushranger (n.) under bush, n.1
at old chap, n.
at Christmas!, excl.
at new-chum, adj.
at chum along with (v.) under chum, v.
at clod, n.1
at cool hand (n.) under cool, adj.
at fair cop, n.
at cop, v.
at cracksman, n.1
at crib, n.1
at cuss, n.1
at darby, n.2
at old dear, n.
at deuce, the, phr.
at deuce, the, phr.
at what the dickens...?, phr.
at old dog, n.
at drag, n.1
at dump, v.
at fizzle, n.2
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