at ready rhino (n.) under ready, adj.
at kabgnals, n.
at slushy, n.
at cushion-smiter (n.) under cushion, n.
at eat a fig, v.
at few!, a, excl.
at cock (a Broseley), v.2
at jack (a) dandy, n.
at slick-a-dee, n.
at block a hat, v.
at abandannad, n.
at Cain and Abel, n.
at about right, adv.
at abraham’s willing, n.
at sham abram, v.
at abram-man, n.
at floating academy, n.
at long acre, n.
at acres, n.
at when Adam was an oakum boy (in Chatham) under Adam, n.
at admiral of the red (n.) under admiral of..., n.
at maids adorning, n.
at affygraphy, n.
at all afloat, n.
at I’m afloat, n.
at afternoon farmer, n.
at cut and come again, n.
at alacompain, n.
at alderman, n.
at alderman, n.
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