1827 N.M. Ludlow in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 249: The darkey smiled and nodded, yes.at darkie, n.
1829 G. Lincecum in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 94: Fulahooma had privately engaged forty brag players and had given me their names.at brag, adj.
1833 Louisiana and Mississippi Almanac in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 490: O loddy! dere was ebber so many ob ’em die.at lawdy!, excl.
1840 Mississippi Free Trade and Natchez Gazette 12 Mar. V p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: We recommend small and delicate juleps [...] with but little of the live critter in them.at critter, n.
1843 H.C. Lewis Swamp Doctor’s Adventures in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 81–6: Don’t care a cuss; dimes is plentyer.at not care a curse, v.
1843 H.C. Lewis Swamp Doctor’s Adventures in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 81–6: Ouch! criminy, but it hurts.at criminy!, excl.
1843 H.C. Lewis Swamp Doctor’s Adventures in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 81–6: You’ll have to come down a notch lower, doc.at doc, n.
1843 H.C. Lewis Swamp Doctor’s Adventures in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 81–6: I want to interduce Kaintuck fashions on a Southern sile.at Kentuck, n.
1843 H.C. Lewis Swamp Doctor’s Adventures in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 81–6: I ’spected it would make all things pop, by hoecake.at pop, v.1
1848 Spirit of the Times (N.Y.) 18 Mar. in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 43: Let’s take a sweetener and go to bed.at sweetener, n.2
1851 J.J. Hooper ‘The Elephant in Lafayette’ Tales of Alabama in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 121: ‘Is it a rail woman in thar?’ asked a skeptical dirt-eater.at dirt-eater (n.) under dirt, n.
1851 J.J. Hooper ‘The Elephant in Lafayette’ in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 121–4: Well, by granny, I did notice he was hoarse when he hollered a while ago.at my granny! (excl.) under granny, n.1
1853 Courier (Natchez, MS) 27 Feb. col. 2 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: Who sticks to the letter only, barks up the wrong tree.at bark up the wrong tree, v.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: I went aboard as sassy as a meat-axe, and struttin’ ’bout de dex as large as life.at meat axe, n.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: The Cap’n of the boat was standin’ [...] chawin’ backer.at bacca, n.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: We adjourned over to the nearest dead-fall, tuck a whoppin’ horn of Ball Face.at baldface (whisky), n.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: Jo Cole sed [...] he’d be dad burned if Uncle Mike should suffer for a drink.at dad-burned, adj.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: The lower rejin of Loozeana, to that sitty of unhearn-of wikkedness, frogs, katfish and Frenchmen, called Orleans.at catfish, n.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: Boys, sez I, look here! We’ve been on this dug-out ’bout a coon’s age.at coon’s age (n.) under coon, n.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: We adjourned over to the nearest dead-fall, tuck a whoppin’ horn of Ball Face.at dead fall (n.) under dead, adj.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: I [...] never pretends to quit till my bag is chock full, an’ my britches pockets, too, fit to bust.at fit to bust under fit to..., phr.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: The lower rejin of Loozeana, to that sitty of unhearn-of wikkedness, frogs, katfish and Frenchmen, called Orleans.at Frog, n.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 1: Very well, sez you, I won’t by hokey.at by hokey! (excl.) under hokey, n.1
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: We adjourned over to the nearest dead-fall, tuck a whoppin’ horn of Ball Face.at horn, n.2
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: Thar’s a sight of trees about here, an’ cane-breaks.at sight, n.2
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: ‘Well,’ sez I, ‘the “tiger” is genully considered the best, an’ then we have poker an’ eucre, an’ a occasional game of “seven up” or “old sledge!”’.at tiger, n.
1856 N.O. Weekly Delta 23 Nov. p.1 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: We adjourned over to the nearest dead-fall, tuck a whoppin’ horn of Ball Face.at whopping, adj.
1863 Southern Field and Fireside (Augusta, GA) 5 Sept. in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 223: Shoot the other two; we’ve winged one of them!at wing, v.
1864 Courier (Natchez, MS) 23 Aug. col. 3 in A.P. Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) n.p.: Several of the foot ‘cuffs’ being ‘dead-blowed’ with heeling it fer corner’.at cuffy, n.
1864 [letter] Maj. Gen. A.J. Smith in Hudson Humor of the Old Deep South (1936) 479: ’Tis certain, Miss Clemmie, whether Fed or Confed, / In the plain course of nature you’re destined to wed [...] If Feds and Confeds will cease this vain strife, / And leave a man living to make you his wife.at Fed, n.