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Hagar of the Pawn-Shop choose

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[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 154: Oh, my bloomin’ eyes! if this ain‘t robbery an’ blue murder!
at blue murder, n.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 71: When the third customer came to pawn an idol of sea-green jade Hagar learnt something concerning the Celestial Kingdom.
at celestial, adj.2
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 76: Cuss all Celestials, say I!
at celestial, n.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 76: How was a young gal like you to best a Chinky?
at Chinky, n.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 154: Oh, my bloomin’ eyes!
at my eye(s)!, excl.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 7: Here, stop that stuff, you inkpot!
at ink-pot (n.) under ink, n.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 97: ‘Jiminy!’ said the imp.
at jiminy!, excl.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 78: He was a priest in the war-god’s temple, I reckon. I’ve seen him do joss-pigeon a dozen times.
at joss-pidgin-man, n.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 154: A pal o’ mine as is a sailor brought it from Lord-knows-where.
at Lord knows under Lord, n.1
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 161: She’s a plum, ain’t she?
at plum, n.3
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-shop 54: Rosa, to get rid of the necklace until the affair of the murder was blown over, might pawn it [...] so I sent a printed slip to all the pop-shops in London.
at pop shop (n.) under pop, v.2
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 11: These won’t cost you much, and I ask for nothing more—Skinflint.
at skinflint, n.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 155: Sling us the blunt, then!
at sling, v.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 61: Let me know when you want me up West.
at up West under West, n.
[UK] F.W. Hume Hagar of the Pawn-Shop 163: He said we’d go whacks if I’d steal them for him.
at go whacks (v.) under whack, n.1
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