1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 243: Come on, chicken, we’ll have us a gang bang. You can be anchor man!at drop anchor in bum bay (v.) under anchor, n.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 250: I took about three steps and fell ass-over-teakettle.at arse/ass over teakettle under arse, n.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 135: It’s just a royal pain in the kazakis.at pain in the arse, n.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 295: The people that put these out must be queer as coots.at ...a coot under queer as..., adj.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 16: The only men you’re ever exposed to are such big-mouthed, crude ball-clankers.at ball-clanker (n.) under balls, n.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 250: I was pretty damn sure all I was going to get for my brilliant brain wave was the living daylights scared out of me.at brainwave (n.) under brain, n.1
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 273: She put on a very breezy. Let’s-get-to-it attitude.at breezy, adj.1
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 43: I’m on to you, Buster. Get the money up now!at buster, n.1
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 188: My mother gave them the ‘Cheese it, the kid!’ sign, and they clammed up.at cheese it!, excl.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 152: ‘Christ-on-a-buckboard,’ Sally Knapp says.at Christ on a bike! (excl.) under Christ, n.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 70: The dogs were conked out in the trophy room.at conked (out), adj.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 218: My mother had flown the coop.at fly the coop (v.) under coop, n.1
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 67: Sweet Jesus, what could you do with a dummy like that?at dummy, n.1
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 237: I’d really be in Dutch if I got everybody excited.at in Dutch under Dutch, n.1
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 243: They were laughing and slapping each other fit to kill.at fit to kill under fit to..., phr.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 1011: The for-real cop only took one quick glance.at for real, adj.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 263: Andy drove [...] to get Cecelia whose car was on the fritz.at on the fritz (adj.) under fritz, n.2
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 243: Come on, chicken, we’ll have us a gang bang.at gangbang, n.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 242: One guy said, ‘Hey, man – how’s the stem end of your bladder?’ ‘Hanging!’ the other one said.at how’s your hammer hanging? under hammer, n.1
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 243: ‘Who-wee, Billy Jo, ain’t he cute?’ ‘Cutest lil’ ole jail bait I ever did see,’ Billy Jo squealed.at jailbait, n.
1961 J. Kirkwood There Must Be a Pony! 205: There are some times when you don’t want to be jollied up.at jolly, v.