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Parm Me choose

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[US] A. Kober Parm Me 19: So give awready a person a gless tea.
at already, adv.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 181: My client’s business is gonna get all bollixed up.
at ballocks (up), v.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 58: That old baloney about not being a sweetheart.
at baloney, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 81: He’s got a little bay-window front, and he’s inclined along the lines of being short.
at bay window, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 61: Guess you think I’m an awful dumbbell or something.
at dumb-bell, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 121: My goodness, a regella blowout she got here.
at blow-out, n.1
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 63: Nothing but kissing here and kissing there. Feh! This monkey business I don’t like.
at monkey business, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 140: She told me the whole story regarding the bust-up from her engagement.
at bust-up, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 144: Before we bust up [...] I just wanna express the thanks I know Kitty Shapiro is gonna feel towards you members.
at bust up, v.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 25: If you wanna, you can gimme a buzz at home.
at give someone a buzz (v.) under buzz, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 20: Dope! [...] Somebody ask you to stick in your two cents in committee-meeting?
at two cents’ worth, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 165: Is good-bye Chollie with the boy, and he don’t come here no more.
at goodbye Charlie, phr.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 97: But a liddle fella, when he got the chutzpah to be a crook?
at chutzpah, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 33: I got her dated up to take her out some night.
at date, v.1
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 141: A fine hoddeya do, Doc says.
at how-do-you-do, n.1
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 115: Five-dollar words she’s using!
at two-dollar words (n.) under two-dollar, adj.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 9: Eh, she ain’t so extra [...] She got no shape, she got no good looks.
at extra, adj.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 180: If I din take care of the books like I should, you know what would be my consequences? My firm would gimme the gate!
at give someone the gate (v.) under gate, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 44: O.K., folks, give out with ‘Gobbitch Bill’!
at give out, v.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 82: Leave me in a canoe with a poetry book and I’m a goner.
at goner, n.1
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 7: A badhouse? I need it like I need a hole in the head.
at need like a hole in the head (v.) under hole in one’s head, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 144: Let’s blackball him the hell outta —.
at hell, the, phr.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 47: Oh, awright, Miss High Tone. I won’t be common.
at high-tone, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 85: You shoulda seen how like hot-cakes our dresses went!
at like hot cakes under hot, adj.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 33: I asts her would she like to go home on account she’s not feeling so hot.
at hot, adj.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 15: Looka here, William, I know you got plenty sex appeal and It.
at it, n.1
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 24: I don’t know much he knocks out a year, but it must be in the heavy thousands.
at knock out, v.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 146: Sure, Mike! [...] A fine listening!
at Mike, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 9: She was waiting until ‘Mr. Right,’ as she put it, came along.
at Mr Right, n.
[US] A. Kober Parm Me 72: The way them mushers leave the social hall at night and go to Eagle Rock.
at musher, n.2
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